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词汇 conventional
例句 Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment.替代疗法能为传统的治疗提供有效的辅助。He's not very conventional in his behaviour.他的举止并不过分拘礼。The fighter planes that attacked the civilians used conventional as well as unconventional weapons.袭击那些平民的战斗机同时使用了常规和非常规武器。Biofuels can be mixed with conventional fuels.生物燃料可以与传统燃料混合。A nuclear deterrent equalizes the gap in conventional weapons between the two countries.核威慑力量填补了两国在常规武器上的差距。Her taste in food is somewhat conventional.她对食物的口味有点儿传统。He hates the wheeling and dealing associated with conventional political life.他厌恶传统政治生活中的权术钻营。The printer has several advantages over conventional printers.与传统打印机相比,这种打印机具有几项优点。The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.这种病使用常规疗法根本不起作用。The conventional wisdom is that governments should lead rather than simply reflect public opinion.一般常见的看法是政府应当引导而不只是反映公众舆论。These photographs challenge conventional ideas of beauty.这些摄影作品挑战了传统的审美观念。With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。His work brought him into conflict with more conventional scientists.他的工作导致他与较传统的科学家出现摩擦。You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.你可以用微波炉或普通的烤炉烹调这些肉。He is conventional in his approach to life.他的生活态度是守旧的。Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe.各代表签署了协议以减少欧洲的常规武器装备。What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!他对生活的态度实在太保守了,简直像中年人!His views on dating are more conventional than those of some of his friends.他对男女约会的看法比他的一些朋友的观点还要老套。I find his art dull and conventional.我觉得他的艺术作品乏味俗套。He tries to be creative within the limits of conventional journalism.他努力在传统新闻的限度内进行创新。It's taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.我花了很长时间才摆脱掉自身所受的传统训练的羁绊。Her outrageous stage act is seen as a challenge to conventional morality.她在舞台上的大胆表演被认为是向传统道德发出的挑战。The other houses are built to a more conventional design.其他房屋是按较常规的设计来建造的。They recognize the limits of their conventional strategies.他们认识到他们那些常规战略的局限性。What happens when the conventional restraints on human cruelty are removed?对人类残酷行为的传统束缚取消时会发生什么?Alternative therapies are suggested for patients who refuse conventional medical treatment.对于拒绝接受常规治疗的病人,会建议使用其他治疗方法。They are all about twenty years old, serious, smart, a bit conventional perhaps, but uniformly pleasant.他们都二十来岁,严肃、聪明,也许有点循规蹈矩,不过都很讨人喜欢。This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists.这一理论遭到了守旧派科学家的普遍嘲笑。He will try his utmost to help them by means of his conventional medical knowledge.他将会用自己的传统医学知识尽全力帮助他们。She went the conventional route by going straight to college after high school.她高中毕业后就按部就班地去读大学了。He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life.他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。The writer emphasizes the contrast between conventional and alternative medicine.作者强调了常规医疗与替代医疗的差异。Contrary to conventional wisdom, stress is not a bad thing.与传统的看法相反,压力并不是坏事。She rejected her parents’ conventional bourgeois lifestyle.她拒绝接受父母那种传统的资产阶级生活方式。While microwaves heat up food more quickly, most food tastes better when it is cooked in a conventional oven.虽然微波炉加热食物的速度比较快,但是大多数食物用传统烤箱做出来味道更佳。Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.通常可将一年再按月细分。These teachings do not constitute a religion in the conventional sense.这些学说不构成传统意义上的宗教。As traffic grew, the conventional wisdom was to widen the roads.一般公众对交通流量增加的反应就是要拓宽道路。Mine was a conventional family upbringing.我接受的是传统家庭教育。James voiced the conventional wisdom about it.詹姆士说了对此事的一般看法。




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