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Wine was his beverage of choice.葡萄酒是他最喜爱的饮品。Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account.葡萄酒有放射性,但是很少有人就因此不再饮用了。Wine started from a hole in the cask.桶上破了个洞,葡萄酒汩汩流出。Wine and judgement mature with age.酒陈味香,人老识深。Wine flows at their parties.酒在他们的聚会上随处可见。Wine in moderation is beneficial to health.适量饮酒有益健康。Wine's so expensive in this country.葡萄酒在这个国家非常昂贵。Wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion.葡萄酒或含糖饮料抑制消化。Wine improves with age.葡萄酒愈久愈醇。Wine-making and accountants don't usually go together, but Thierry Hasard is an exception that proves the rule.酿酒和会计通常不搭边,而蒂埃里·阿萨尔却是普遍中的例外。Wine is his only indulgence.酒是他唯一的嗜好。Wine flowed freely.葡萄酒无限量供应。Wine growers say they've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers.葡萄种植兼酿酒者说他们一直都为谷物和大豆种植者的利益所绑架。Wine and food of superlative quality are available everywhere at giveaway prices.到处都有以超低价出售的顶级葡萄酒和食品。Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country.游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes.葡萄酒由采摘的新鲜葡萄的汁水酿造而成。Wine and cheese mature with age.葡萄酒和乳酪会因年久变得醇香。Wine may outrank citrus as Sicily's most valuable product.葡萄酒的重要性可能超过柑橘而成为西西里最值钱的产品。Wine vinegar tenderises meat.酒醋能让肉变嫩。Wine comes from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的。Wine-making is my wife's department.酿酒是我妻子的专长。Wine and beer flowed freely.人们畅饮着葡萄酒和啤酒。Wine is absolutely forbidden to all the children.绝对禁止所有的孩子喝酒。 |