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Our bedroom was white-walled with yellow silk curtains.我们的卧室墙壁是白色,挂着黄色的丝绸窗帘。I've built a walled enclosure in the garden.我在花园里用围墙圈出了一块地。If you go further into the countryside, you will come across a number of unspoilt medieval walled villages.如果你再深入这片乡村地区,会看到一些尚未遭受破坏的中世纪带城墙的村落。We passed through the doorway and found ourselves in a walled garden.我们穿过门口,进入了一个有围墙的花园。The walled garden was a miniature wilderness.这个有围墙的花园以前是一小片荒地。The walled city is an important tourist attraction.这座由城墙围绕的城市是个重要的旅游胜地。The control room is walled off by soundproof glass.控制室是用隔音玻璃隔起来的。They had walled up her room because of the fear that things might be infected.因为担心物品可能会带上病菌,他们砌墙堵死了她的房间。The school grounds are walled in.学校操场四周围有围墙。The embassy is walled off from the street.大使馆周围建起了围墙,与街道隔开。Why not visit the beautiful walled city of York?为什么不参观一下围有城墙的美丽城市约克呢?This room is walled off from the rest of the house.这个房间与屋里其他房间用墙隔开了。The window was walled up years ago.那扇窗户多年前就用墙堵塞了。He was walled up in the tower. 他被关在塔里。The walled garden was used as a dump.带围墙的花园被用作了垃圾场。Several rooms were walled off to save money on heating bills.几个房间都用墙隔开了,以节省暖气费。They walled up the doorway of the abandoned house.他们把那个废弃房子的门口封上了。The school walled off the playground from the parking lot.学校用墙把操场和停车场隔开了。The city was walled and built upon a rock.这座城市建在岩石上,四周筑有城墙。The valley is walled in by high mountains.山谷围绕在高高的群山之中。He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office.在他凌乱的百老汇办公室里,他被堆成山的文件团团包围。They walled the garden in with rows of thick shrubs.他们用一排排茂密的灌木丛围住了花园。There's a walled rose garden, lawns and tree-lined walks to enjoy.有一个带围墙的玫瑰园,成片的草坪和绿树成荫的步行道供人们游赏。They travelled through the mountains by way of an ancient walled city.他们取道一座有城墙的古城走过山区。The side alley was walled off from the back garden.侧巷和后花园之间用墙隔开了。All the vegetables were grown in the walled kitchen garden on strictly organic principles.家庭菜园围墙内种植的所有蔬菜都严格遵守了有机种植原则。The walled city was attacked by barbarian hordes.那座筑有城墙的城市遭到大批野蛮人的进攻。He is walled in by lack of opportunity.机会总是与他无缘。The garden is walled.这个园子有围墙。Most of the old building's windows have been walled up.旧房子的大多数窗户已被堵上了。 |