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词汇 Violence
例句 Violence within the family is often alcohol-related.家庭暴力常与喝酒有关。Violence simmered in various places.暴力活动在各地都是一触即发。Violence breeds in densely populated areas.暴行常发生在人烟稠密地区。Violence typically arises out of anger.暴力通常是由怒气引起的。Violence flared when groups of rival supporters met in the city centre.对立双方的支持者在市中心遭遇时,发生了暴力冲突。Violence seems to feature heavily in all of his books.暴力似乎是他所有作品中的主要特色。Violence is an extreme form of traditionally masculine behaviour.暴力是传统上男性行为的极端形式。Violence has risen to the surface in the inner-city.在旧城区暴力活动已经显现。Violence across the city has subsided following two days of riots.两天的暴乱过后,全城的暴行开始减少。Violence on television has become topical recently.电视中出现暴力的问题近来为大家所关注。Violence on television is generally decried as harmful to children.电视上的暴力镜头受到普遍谴责,被认为对孩子有危害。Violence of some type seems to occur in every society.每个社会似乎都会存在某种形式的暴力。Violence has surged in the Middle East.中东的暴力活动猛增。Violence occasionally erupts between the opposing factions.对立派别间时有暴力事件发生。Violence has subsided following two days of riots.两天的暴乱过后,暴力事件开始平息。Violence unsettled the government.暴力行为使政府动荡不稳。Violence was the rule rather than the exception.暴力事件是常事,而不是例外。Violence may result from a sense of impotence.暴力可能源自无能为力的感觉。Violence cast a bloody pall over the country.暴力给这个国家蒙上了血腥的阴影。Violence between the two sides escalated.双方的暴力冲突愈演愈烈。Violence breeds violence.暴力会催生更多暴力。Violence on television is polluting the minds of children.电视中的暴力场面正在污染孩子们的心灵。Violence and rejection by society are mutually reinforcing.暴力行为招致社会唾弃,而后者又引起了更多的暴力行为。Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration.警察向示威游行中的一名学生开枪后突然发生了暴乱。Violence in the home is a crime, just as much as violence from a stranger.家庭暴力同陌生人暴力行为一样,都是犯罪。Violence in society is not a new phenomenon.社会上的暴力并不是一个新现象。Violence on television is polluting the minds of our children.电视暴力正在毒害我们孩子的思想。Violence is bubbling beneath the surface.暗地里暴力活动依然存在。Violence is a self-defeating solution.暴力是适得其反的解决方案。Violence is visited upon us every day.暴力事件每天都会降临在我们身上。Violence is stressful even to those who are hardened to seeing it every day.暴力事件就是对每天都耳闻目睹的人也有很大的压力。Violence in the last analysis produces more violence.暴力最终会产生更多的暴力。Violence is a dangerous leveller.以暴力实现平等是危险的。Violence is seen in different ways by different people.不同的人对暴力问题有不同的看法。Violence was relentlessly visited upon innocent victims.暴力无情地降临到无辜的受害者身上。Violence was anathema to them.他们对暴力深恶痛绝。Violence erupted as the boys were driven away in two police vans.两辆警车将男孩们带走时突然发生了暴力冲突。Violence reached a peak just before the election.就在选举前夕,暴力冲突达到顶点。Violence and assault in schoolyards has been on the increase in recent years.校园里的暴力和袭击事件近年来有所增加。Violence flared up again last night.昨晚再次爆发暴力事件。




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