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词汇 violence
例句 These groups must renounce violence if there is to be progress towards peace.若要让和平取得进展,这些组织必须放弃武力。Officials are fearful that the demonstrations will cause new violence.官员们担心示威游行会引发新的暴力事件。Nobody was at the rendezvous. No sign of violence.约会地点阒无一人,也没有暴力行动的迹象。This latest outbreak of violence is a clear manifestation of discontent in the city.最近爆发的暴力事件清楚地表明该市存在不满情绪。The Dalai Lama has always counselled non-violence.达赖喇嘛一直提倡非暴力。The violence has raised the spectre of civil war.暴力事件引起了人们对内战的恐慌。World leaders must do more to stop/break this cycle of violence.世界各国领导人必须采取更多措施制止这种暴力的循环往复。Security forces are still using violence against opponents of the government.安全部队仍然在使用武力镇压反对政府的人。Both sides were locked in a cycle of violence and vengeance.双方陷入暴力和复仇的循环之中。Television executives learned that violent shows attract more viewers, and pretty soon it was violence on parade all day long.电视台管理者发现暴力节目会吸引更多观众,于是没多久就开始全天播出暴力节目。The police were not guilty of the violence imputed to them.警方并未犯过强加于他们头上的暴力行为。Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.斯特劳先生向那些坚持进行暴力活动的人发出了严正警告。Rape is sexualised violence.强奸是性暴力行为。She had suffered years of violence and abuse.她多年来饱受暴力和虐待之苦。Funds raised through selling these magazines are creamed off to support armed violence.出售这些杂志筹集到的资金被捞走用来支持武装暴动。Her work explores the links between violence and gender relations.她的作品探讨暴力与性别关系之间的联系。The spiral of violence now accelerated.暴力升级现在加快了。Street violence is the ruin of too many young people today.当今的街头暴力是很多年轻人堕落的原因。Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land.居民们说,当地的帮派头子用暴力夺取宝贵的土地。We are all capable of violence in certain circumstances.任何人在特定情况下都会动用暴力。The violence continues with no end in sight.暴力事态持续,没有丝毫要结束的迹象。They were substituting violence for dialogue.他们在用暴力取代对话。The government has mounted a campaign to combat the rash of violence.政府发动了一次旨在打击暴力犯罪激增的行动。The party agreed not to incite its supporters to violence.该党同意不鼓动其支持者使用暴力。Under no circumstances should police use violence against protesters.任何情况下警方都不应该对抗议者使用暴力。We know males are more prone to violence.我们知道雄性更具有暴力倾向。Observers have warned that the violence could escalate into armed conflict.观察员警告说暴力事件可能会升级为武装冲突。Doesn't all this violence on TV disgust you?电视中的暴力场面不让你反感吗?He makes movies that are mercifully free of violence. 所幸他拍的电影没有过多暴力情节。The violence was concentrated mostly in the north.暴力事件大多集中在北方。Since the coup, the country has sunk deeper into a quagmire of violence and lawlessness.自政变以来,该国越来越陷入了一种暴力肆虐、法律缺失的境地。Leaders of the Football League met to discuss the problems of violence at football games.足球联盟的领导开会讨论足球比赛中的暴力问题。She spoke with a violence that surprised them both.她言辞激烈,令他们俩都很惊讶。They were charged with incitement to violence.他们被指控煽动暴乱。He is regarded as one of Congress's most outspoken critics of television violence.他被视为国会中对电视暴力最直言不讳的批评者之一。The new official vowed that he would put the lid on violence once and for all.这位新任官员信誓旦旦地说他将彻底铲除暴力。The city authorities said the curfew had contained the violence.市政府称宵禁遏制住了暴力事件。There were no signs of violence or pillage.没有暴力或劫掠的迹象。The upsurge in violence merely underlines the need for continuing peace talks.暴力冲突的急剧增多恰恰突出了继续和平谈判的必要性。Marchers jeered at white passers-by, but there was no violence, nor any arrests.游行者奚落路过的白人,但没有发生暴力事件,也没有人被逮捕。




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