例句 |
All around women wailed their woe or screamed abuse.四下里女人们呼天抢地,高声叫骂。She wailed that the vacation was ruined.她大声抱怨着假期被毁了。He wailed and clung to his mother.他大声哭着,紧紧抱住他的母亲。She wailed like a banshee.她像报丧女妖般哀号。A saxophone wailed in the background.背景音乐是悠长的萨克斯管演奏声。She wailed with despair.她绝望地大哭。The wind wailed outside the closed windows.紧闭的窗户外狂风呼啸。The wind wailed in the chimney.风在烟囱里呼啸。The ships wailed dismally to one another.几条船凄凉地相互鸣响汽笛。The baby wailed for his mother.那婴儿啼哭着要妈妈。The baby wailed all night.这婴儿哭叫了一整夜。 |