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They were due to perform a duet last year but fell out during rehearsals.去年他们原本打算表演二重唱,但在排练中闹翻了。They sang a duet in the talent show/contest.他们在才艺展示/比赛中表演二重唱。They sang the duet beautifully.他们的二重唱表演很精彩。At teatime, Victoria sang duets with her Consort, Prince Albert.喝下午茶的时候,维多利亚与其夫君艾伯特亲王表演了二重唱。He may even perform a duet with the eventual winner.他甚至可能与最终的获胜者一起表演二重唱。And for lowbrows, there's a very neat duet of `You Really Got Me'.对于那些什么也不懂的粗人,倒是可以听听一首还不错的二重唱《你迷倒了我》。 |