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Voters have evidently lost faith in the government.选民们显然已经对政府失去了信心。Voters are looking for a candidate who will break the mold and give them honest answers.选民在寻找一个能够打破陈规且对选民诚实的候选人。Voters are bored with politicians warming over old policies.选民们已经厌倦了政客们对老的政策旧调重弹。Voters must decide between the two candidates. 投票人必须在两位候选人中做出选择。Voters in Georgia will use a touchscreen voting system.乔治亚州的投票人将使用一种触摸屏投票系统。Voters can legitimately ask whose interests are being served by the new legislation.选民可以理直气壮地问这一新的立法在为谁的利益服务。Voters are still sizing up the candidates.选民们还在衡量各个候选人的情况。Voters went to the polls today to elect a new president.投票人今天去投票处选举新总统。Voters hope that the proposition will stem the tide of illegal immigration.选民们希望这项议案能够遏制非法移民潮。Voters are dissatisfied with the government.选民对政府不满。Voters don't like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another.选民们不喜欢看对手间彼此诋毁的政治广告。Voters have been flocking to the polls to elect a new president.选民蜂拥而至,参加投票选出新总统。Voters are pushing for simplification of the tax code.选民们正在努力推动简化税码。Voters condemned her for lying about her past.选民因为她就自己的过去说谎而谴责她。Voters can/should/could be pardoned for thinking this election would be different.选民们认为此次选举将不同以往,这种想法能够/应该/可以原谅。Voters were drawn to his positivism.投票人被他积极的态度所吸引。Voters narrowly rejected the plan.投票者以微弱差距否决了这一计划。Voters were up in arms over the new taxes.选民们极力反对新税法。Voters are itchy for change.选民们渴望变革。Voters have started gravitating to him as a possible candidate.选民开始倾向于把他当作合适的候选人。Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.选民应于星期日前往投票站选举新总统。Voters are still trying to get a fix on her character.选民们还在努力了解她的品格。Voters are disillusioned with the mud-slinging campaigns run by many candidates.选民们对很多候选人在竞选活动中互相诋毁深感失望。Voters will have the chance to see the incumbent and her opponent in a series of three debates.选民们将有机会在连续三场的辩论中见到现任者和她的竞争对手。Voters are tired of listening to lies and evasions.选民听烦了那些谎言和遁词。Voters need to know where each candidate stands.选民需要知道每位候选人的立场。Voters are rightly suspicious of attempts to save money in the area of education.选民怀疑当局企图削减教育经费是有根据的。These problems are not going to fix themselves. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee and elect someone who will get things done.这些问题不会自行解决。选民们需清醒面对现实,选出能干实事的人。Voters lost confidence in him when he backtracked on the issues. 由于他在那些问题上出尔反尔,选民对他失去了信心。Voters went to the polls today. 选民们今天投票。Voters do not want a rerun of the last election.选民们不希望上一次选举的情况重演。Voters are unhappy with the governor and want to turn her out.选民们对州长不满意,想要把她撵下台。Voters tend to have a cynical view of the probity of those in power.选民们往往对掌权者的诚信持怀疑态度。Voters have come back to a renascent Labour Party.选民又回来支持东山再起的工党了。Voters are deeply concerned about the economy.选民们对经济感到十分忧虑。Voters don't all realize how much the results could affect their pocketbooks.并非所有的投票者都意识到了投票结果对他们的经济利益会有多大影响。The election was just a popularity contest. Voters didn't really care about the issues.这次选举只是一次人气比拼。选民们并不真正关心这些问题。Voters suspected a hidden political agenda.选民们怀疑背后有暗藏的政治目的。Voters traditionally believe that women are not as tough as men on crime and defense issues.选民传统上相信女性在犯罪与防御问题上不如男性坚强。Voters are becoming frustrated at the inability of the administration to do anything about the debt crisis.政府无力处理债务危机,选民开始沮丧起来。 |