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例句 People have raised/voiced a number of objections to the proposed changes.对于所提出的变革,人们已经提出/表达了一些反对理由。Members of the Left have voiced their opinions on this matter.左派人士表达了他们对此事的看法。Citizens voiced their distress over delays in fixing the problem.市民们对问题处理不及时表达了忧虑之情。Campaigners have voiced disappointment over the government's decision.参与这场运动的人表达了对政府决定的失望之情。Shopkeepers voiced their outrage at the new tax.店主们表达了对新税的愤慨。Doctors I came into contact with voiced their concern.我接触到的医生都表示了他们的担心。The senator angrily voiced his objection to the bill.这位参议员愤怒地表示反对这一议案。The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.底特律的阿拉伯人所表达的似乎主要是一种挫折感。His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his disapproval.鉴于检察长已公开表示反对,他的机会看来不大了。His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public disapproval.鉴于检察长已公开表示反对,他的机会看来不大了。Her observations confirm concerns being voiced by infectious-disease specialists.她的观察结果证实了传染病专家们的担心。She angrily voiced her objections.她愤怒地表达了自己的反对。Members of the Right have voiced their opinions on this matter.右翼人士表达了他们对此事的看法。James voiced the conventional wisdom about it.詹姆士说了对此事的一般看法。He voiced concern about safety issues. 他表达了对安全问题的担忧。They have expressed/voiced concern about the cost of the project.他们表达了对这一项目成本的担忧。I have voiced my objections to the plan to management.我已经向管理层提出了对那个计划的反对意见。The union has voiced its disquiet about the way the protest was handled.工会表示了对抗议处理方式的不满。Several people voiced objections to Seagram's bid.几个人对西格拉姆的竞标表示了异议。He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenceless.他表示自己同弱势和无助群体站在一起。Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans.有些科学家表示了担忧,认为这种病可能传染给人类。Civil rights activists have voiced concern about the increase in surveillance cameras.民权活动家已经表达了对监视摄像机数量增长的担忧。The criticism that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.常有人指责英国人并不真正关心自己的子女。Matthew voiced some doubts about our plan.马修对我们的计划表示有点怀疑。NATO generals voiced reservations about making air strikes.北约将领们表达了对空袭的保留意见。He felt the students had been victimized because they'd voiced opposition to the government.他觉得学生们受到迫害是因为他们表达了对政府的不满。Officials have voiced widely different views on the best way forward.官员们就下一步的最佳方法发表了迥然不同的意见。A deep-voiced man answered the phone.一个声音低沉的男人接听了电话。He has already voiced his public disapproval of the plan.他已经公开表明不赞成该计划。The criticism that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.常有人批评英国人并不真正关心自己的孩子。Doctors have voiced fears that we may be facing an epidemic.我们可能爆发传染病,医生对此说有担忧。Most vowels in most languages are voiced.在大多数语言中,大多数元音是浊音。I've voiced my opinion at every meeting I've attended.我每次出席会议都发表了意见。Many people have voiced their opposition to these proposals.许多人表示反对这些提议。Thousands of people have voiced their disapproval of the government.成千上万的人表示反对这个政府。The workers voiced their indignation at being unfairly dismissed.对被不公平解雇一事工人们表示愤慨。Just as soon as the President voiced his dissent, his advisors talked him down.总统刚出声表示异议,他的顾问就立刻说服他打消这个念头。They voiced their criticism in coded statements.他们用婉转的话语表达了批评。Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans.一些科学家已经对这种疾病传染人类的可能性表示担忧。The whole air of menace was accentuated by the fact that he was so cordial and soft-voiced.他如此亲切,说话轻声细语,这更加重了威胁的语气。




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