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词汇 vision
例句 The writer's vision of the rainbow was poetic.那位作者关于虹的想象很富有诗意。Sweat ran from his forehead into his eyes, blurring his vision.汗水从额头流到了眼睛里,模糊了他的视线。As he approached, the vision faded and there was no one there.他走上前去,幻象消失了,眼前空无一人。There was some abnormality in his vision.他的视力有些异常。Mistakes are a necessary part of actualizing your vision.要使构想成为现实,犯错是不可避免的。He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.他缺乏一位资深政治家所应具备的敏锐头脑和眼光。Some teachers have a narrow vision of what art is.某些教师对于什么是艺术认识狭隘。The book is the articulation of his vision.这本书表达了他的观点。She was a vision in white.她穿白色很美。In her vision, Joan of Arc saw an angel telling her to go and fight for France.圣女贞德在梦幻中看到天使叫她去为法国而战。He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight.他停下脚步试着让眼睛适应微弱的星光。We need a leader with vision and strong principles.我们需要一位有远见、坚守原则的领导。I saw other indistinct shapes that stayed out of vision.我看见另有一些模糊的影子晃了一下就不见了。She had a mystic vision while praying.祈祷时她看到了一种神秘的幻象。The saint appeared to him in a vision while he was at prayer.他祷告的时候,那位圣人在异象中向他显现。I have a vision of a free society.我希望看到一个自由社会。They are just bringing up all their old rehashed claims with no prospect or vision for the future.他们只不过是在老调重弹,提出的声明中没有对未来的展望或设想。The disease causes impaired vision/hearing in elderly people.这种疾病致使老年人的视力/听力减弱。The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.总统因未能清晰表述对外交事务的整体构想而受到指责。He became a monk after seeing Saint Apollinaris in a vision.在异像中看见圣阿波利那里斯后,他便当了修道士。I don't think his vision for the company goes beyond the end of his nose.我觉得他对公司的愿景缺乏深谋远虑。Only the government could take an Olympian vision of how people should travel to work.只有政府才能宏观地考虑人们该如何去上班这个问题。The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision.血管可能会渗漏,造成视力模糊。The annual arts festival is a monument to her vision and hard work.一年一度的艺术节展示了她的广阔视野和勤奋创作的成果。His plans for the country's future show a remarkable breadth of vision.他对国家未来的构想显示了他的远见卓识。He had a vision of Cheryl, slumped on a plastic chair in the waiting-room.他想象谢里尔瘫坐在候诊室的一把塑料椅子上。He is said to be a crack shot, despite weak vision in one eye.尽管一只眼视力较弱,他仍被称为神枪手。Her neck ached, her spine jarred, her vision blurred.她脖子疼,脊梁骨发颤,视力模糊不清。The writer evokes a nightmare vision of a future on a polluted planet.作者描画了未来遭受污染的星球上噩梦般的场景。His most telling weakness has been his failure to provide strategic vision.他最大的弱点是没有战略眼光。She had the same vision of him that I had.她对他的看法同我一样。He speaks stirringly of his vision of a new world.他激动人心地谈起他幻想的新世界。He had a vision of Christ.他在幻觉中看到了基督。The tears blurred her vision.泪水模糊了她的视线。A complete absence of national border controls is as utopian today as the vision of world government.在今天,完全取消国家边界控制的观点与建立一个世界政府的想法一样不切实际。Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing.简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。When he woke up he had a splitting headache and his vision was blurred.他醒来时头痛欲裂,视力也模糊不清。She unites common sense and vision.她兼具常识与见识。Her vision of the future was more than a little upsetting. 她对未来的设想使人感到很不安。He has very little vision in the left eye.他左眼的视力很弱。




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