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例句 The passengers were visibly wilting with the heat and movement of the bus.由于天热和公共汽车的颠簸,乘客们都明显地蔫儿了。She flinched visibly at the sight of the body.她看到尸体时,明显向后退了一下。The spokesman was visibly pulling back from too much revelation.发言人欲言辄止,明明白白是不肯透露太多的情况。They emerged visibly distressed and weeping.他们显然很沮丧,一副哭哭啼啼的样子。Their rather heavy faces brightened visibly.他们表情凝重的脸上显然露出了喜色。She was visibly shocked by the conditions she witnessed in the camp.她显然为亲眼目睹的难民营的状况感到震惊。Her mouth was twitching, visibly palpitating.她的嘴唇在抽搐,抖得很明显。Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead and she trembled visibly.她额头上冒出了一颗颗汗珠,身体抖得厉害。Colin was visibly distressed by the incident.科林显然为此事件感到难过。Amanda was getting visibly agitated.看得出来,阿曼达紧张不安。The Princess, visibly moved, kept her head bowed during the ceremony.公主显然被感动了,在仪式上一直低着头。The survivors were ashen-faced and visibly shaken.幸存者们脸色苍白,显然受惊不小。Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.因患癌症濒临死亡的人会日渐消瘦,而且身体明显衰弱。The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。The audience was visibly moved.观众显然被感动了。She seemed to have visibly aged over the last year.她看上去在过去的一年里明显变老了。She was visibly shaken by the news.她显然被那消息震惊了。She was visibly shaken by the severity of her sentence, and left the court in tears.量刑之重显然使她大受打击,她哭着离开了法庭。He was visibly upset/excited.他明显有些烦躁/兴奋。After a day spent shopping, she was visibly wilting.购物购了一天后,她明显累蔫儿了。The Kings were visibly shaken when the judge passed sentence.法官宣布判决的时候,金氏一家显然很吃惊。When he went into retirement, he visibly withered.他到退休年龄时已老态毕现。The questions made her visibly nervous.这些问题显然使她很紧张。She quailed visibly at the sight of the prison walls.看到监狱的围墙,她显然胆怯了。It was a city, visibly scarred by war.那是一座因战祸而满目疮痍的城市。He squirmed visibly at the thought of his secret being revealed.一想到他的秘密被揭穿,他明显地开始局促起来。The reply visibly hurt his feelings.这一回答显然伤了他的感情。Having motored ahead with forceful growth for many years, the truck industry was visibly slackening the pace.卡车产业多年来增长势头迅猛,如今已明显放慢步伐。She seemed to visibly sag at the thought of what lay ahead.她似乎一想到将要遇到的事就明显变得很消沉。Celtic were visibly lifted by their opener late in the first half.上半场临结束前的首粒进球明显提振了凯尔特队的士气。He was visibly shaken by what had happened.他显然对发生的事大为吃惊。The incident had left him visibly angry and upset.那起事件显然让他既恼火又心烦。As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened.他们快到市郊时,埃拉的情绪明显好转。The child seemed nervous and visibly shaken.这孩子看上去很紧张,明显是吓着了。The Russians were visibly wavering.那些俄国人明显在犹豫。He surfaced less visibly in the policy decisions.在决策过程中他不再那样引人注目了。Relations between the two leaders are visibly tense.两位领导人的关系明显紧张。Everyone was visibly pleased with the results.大家显然对结果很满意。He paled visibly at the mention of her name.一提及她的名字,他的脸明显变得煞白。




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