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例句 The induction of an outsider would be viewed with suspicion.一个外行来任职会受到怀疑。He viewed life as an uphill struggle.他视人生为艰难的挣扎。He viewed the proceedings with doubt and alarm.他带着怀疑和警惕审视这些事件。He viewed all his relationships rather negatively.他相当消极地看待自己所有的人际关系。Your photos can be viewed with the click of a mouse.点击一下鼠标就可以看你的照片了。Women are viewed as sex objects and exploited to sell products.女性被当成性吸引工具利用以达到销售商品的目的。The report is viewed as a bellwether for economic trends.这份报告被视为经济走势的风向标。He viewed the killing of baby seals with disfavour.他对捕杀小海豹持不赞同的态度。A histological section refers to a thin slice of tissue that is viewed under a microscope.组织学切片指可在显微镜下观察的组织薄片。It is viewed with a high degree of suspicion in the Third World.第三世界高度怀疑地看待这件事。His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible.他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.学生认为拉丁语无趣且无关紧要。Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。She viewed the findings with a critical eye.她以批判的眼光来看这些发现。A lot hinges on how we are viewed by overseas investors.很多事都取决于海外投资者对我们的看法。Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.许多美国人不再把它看作一场正义的战争。Slaves were traditionally viewed as their masters' property.奴隶过去长期被视为奴隶主的财产。Airlines have always viewed passenger safety as a priority.航空公司总是把乘客的安全放在首位。This conduct is not viewed as acceptable.这种行为被认为是不可接受的。The building is most impressive when viewed from the front.这栋建筑从正面看真是巍峨壮观。Collective bargaining was viewed as the alpha and omega of trade unionism.集体谈判被视为工会主义的全部法宝。The program was viewed by millions of people.有数百万观众观看了这个节目。The extent of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air.只有从空中观察才能全面了解洪水的严重程度。The poor viewed with envy the increasing wealth of the bourgeoisie.穷人十分羡慕资产阶级不断增长的财富。They stood at the top of the hill and viewed the beautiful landscape.他们站在山顶眺望美丽的景色。It looks like a cross when viewed from above.从高处看它像是一个十字架。He viewed with distaste the increasing politicization of the Civil Service.他对行政部门的日益政治化感到反感。I viewed the process with grave misgivings.我忧心忡忡地目睹了这一过程。An object as viewed in a plain mirror is perverted from its actual appearance.平面镜中所见到的物体与实际物体是左右颠倒的。They viewed her as decorative, pliable and empty-headed.他们认为她空有外表、毫无主见、头脑空空。Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.达尔文认为生存竞争是进化的主要推动力。Looking after the house was viewed as a woman's domain.料理家务被认为是属于妇女的职责范围。It was with some trepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda.我带着些许惶恐考虑了一下骑自行车周游乌干达的可能性。She viewed her students as blank slates, just waiting to be filled with knowledge.她把自己的学生都看作是白板,就等着被知识填满。Critics viewed him as a reactionary.评论家认为他是一个保守派。Students viewed the crystals through/under/with a microscope.学生们通过显微镜观察水晶。She got that sinking feeling as she viewed the storm damage.看到暴风雨造成的损害,她心情沉重。By that time, many in government viewed De Gaulle as over the hill.那个时候,政府里有许多人认为戴高乐已经老而无用了。They viewed the new plan with great suspicion.他们对这个新计划疑心很大。The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes.无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。




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