例句 |
Some people object to streaming because it gives an unfair advantage to intelligent children.有些人反对把学生按能力分班,因为这给了聪明的学生优惠待遇,很不公平。He has/enjoys an unfair advantage over us because of his wealth.他的富有使得他比我们有优势,这是不公平的。America decided that imported steel had an unfair advantage over steel made at home.美国认定进口钢材相对于国产钢材具有不公平的优势。Taxes on imports gave Japanese companies an unfair advantage.进口税使日本公司有着不公平的优势。Some people object to tracking because it gives an unfair advantage to intelligent children.有些人反对把学生按能力分班,因为这给了聪明的学生优惠待遇,很不公平。The teams change ends at half-time so that neither side has an unfair advantage.两队在上半场结束时交换场地,这样对任何一方都公平。The company has an unfair advantage over its competitors.这家公司与其竞争者相比有不公平的优势。The one who stipulates for an unfair advantage may be moved solely by his own self-interest.那些要求获得不平等优势的人可能完全是出于自己的私利。 |