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例句 He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.自从他付费收看体育频道之后,就真的变成了一个泡在沙发上的电视虫。He turned into the narrow terraced street where he lived…他转向自己居住的那条夹在排房间的狭窄街道。The baseball game turned into a duel between the teams' pitchers. = The game turned into a pitching duel.这场棒球赛变成了两队投手之间的斗智斗勇。Under her direction, this difficult material is turned into great theatre.在她的指导下,这一棘手的材料变成了精彩的剧作。His amazement turns into laughter, which builds steadily.他先是惊讶,接着笑了起来,笑声越来越响。I always turn into a gibbering wreck at interviews.每当面试时,我总是紧张得语无伦次。He got what he could out of me before I caught on to the kind of person he'd turned into.他从我这里达到目的后我终于明白了他变成了什么样的人。The election has turned into a real dogfight.选举已经变成了一场真正的混战。Some of the cottages were still lived in by old folk; others had been turned into barns and storehouses.有些村舍里仍住着老人;有些已经改作粮仓和仓库。The former cropland has been turned into housing developments and shopping malls.过去的农田已被改变为住宅区和购物商场。He caught a chill that turned into a bad cold.他先是着了凉,随后又转成了重感冒。The attempt at stopping the floods turned into a damage-limitation exercise.阻止洪水的奋战变成了一场尽可能控制损失的演练。The police hope to avoid a repeat performance of last year, when the festivities turned into rioting.警察希望避免去年庆典变成暴乱的事件再次发生。The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio.该教堂的主体部分已被改造成了一个大型电视演播室。That shy reserved young man had turned into a confident adult.以前那个腼腆不多言的小伙子,现在已变成一个充满自信的成年人了。The retreat turned into a rout.撤退变成了无秩序的溃逃。She had turned into a household drudge.她已经变成一个辛苦操持家务的主妇。The song turned into a running joke between him and the press.这首歌一时成了他和媒体之间的一个笑料。The game turned into an all-out brawl.比赛演变成为一场大规模的斗殴。The press conference turned into a free-for-all.新闻发布会演变成一场众人参与的口舌之战。There is a danger that America's metaphoric "war on drugs" may turn into a bloody reality.美国人“向毒品开战”的比喻说法有变成严酷现实的危险。Greenfield turned into the next side street and parked.格林菲尔德转进下一个小巷,停好车。Water has turned into ice.水已经结成了冰。The anguish was so great that it turned into madness.痛苦如此之大,以至变作疯狂。A film does not turn into treacle.电影不能变成煽情的烂片。Matthew's little shop has turned into a thriving business.马修的小店变成了兴隆的商行。The car turned into a side road.汽车转弯开进一条小路。He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.他已经变成了一个愤世嫉俗、冷酷无情的成年人。The botanical garden has turned into a wilderness.植物园成了一片荒野。The door of the study was open, and without premeditation he turned into it.书房的门开着,他不假思索地走了进去。Overnight my boss seems to have turned into a tyrant.我的老板一夜之间似乎变成了一个暴君。What seemed a promising job turned into months of boredom and drudgery.看似有前途的职位结果变成了数月无聊乏味的工作。Residents are worried that the president's home town will turn into a tourist trap.居民担心总统的家乡将会变成一个敲游客竹杠的地方。Isolated attacks in the north-east of the country have now turned into a full-scale uprising.该国东北部的零星袭击现在已经演变成为全面暴动。He turned into a compulsive joiner.他喜欢上了不断参加各种社团。He has seen his little girl turn into a bright, beautiful woman.他看到自己的小女孩长成了一个聪明漂亮的女人。Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.爱国主义会很快转化为沙文主义和极端排外。Changing down, he turned into the drive.他减挡拐入了私家车道。He made a left turn into a quiet street.他向左拐进一条僻静的街道。She turned into a cross street.她转身走进一条横马路。




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