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词汇 traced
例句 We traced the trouble to a faulty transformer.经追查,我们发现问题出在一台有缺陷的变压器上。The police have traced her movements to the time of her death.警方已追查出她死亡前的行踪。The rumour was traced back to a journalist.那谣言追究到一名新闻记者身上。British empiricism can be traced back to Hume and Locke.英国的经验主义可以追溯到休谟和洛克。He traced the money to an offshore investment company.他追踪到这笔钱流向了一家海外的投资公司。They traced the van to a New Jersey car rental agency.他们查出面包车属于新泽西州的一家租车行。They've traced their ancestry to Scotland.他们将自己的世系追溯到了苏格兰。Edges were traced with gold.印了金边。Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China,Egypt and Persia.有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘,可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画。The dispute can be traced back to resentments which have festered for centuries.这一争端可以追溯到积累了好几个世纪的仇怨。She traced the letters of her name.她认真地写下了自己的名字。Many modern festivals can be traced back to an ancient past.现代的很多节日都可以追溯到久远的过去。She traced the letters out on a sheet of paper.她在一张纸上写下了这些字母。He traced out his scheme for the robbery.他简单说了一下自己的抢劫计划。A lot of emotional problems can be traced back to childhood.许多情感问题都可以追溯到童年时期。The police traced Frank to Margaret and through Margaret to Gerald.警察从弗兰克追查到玛格丽特,再从玛格丽特追查到杰拉尔德。Has anyone traced the provenances of these paintings?有人查出这些画的来源了吗?He traced his finger across the chart.他用手指在图表上划过。The inspiration of this rumour was traced to a source near the governor.经过追查,这起谣言的根子是在州长左右亲信的身上。I traced the course of the river on the map.我在地图上勾勒出这条河的流向。Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders' inflated assessments of mortgaged property.普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。The rumor was traced to Smith, Jones, and A. N. Other.经追查发现,谣言来自史密斯、琼斯和另外一个不知姓名的人。The stolen paintings have been successfully traced to a London warehouse.失窃的画已成功地在伦敦的一个仓库中找到。The noise was traced to a loose bolt in the car's engine.噪声是由汽车发动机里一颗松动的螺丝引起的。The leakage was traced to an oil pipe in the cellar.泄漏来自地下室里的一根油管。His call was traced and half an hour later police arrested him.他的电话被追踪,半小时后警方就逮捕了他。The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.这些绘画的风格可以追溯到中世纪早期的影响。I traced my family history using the civil registration records.我根据公民注册记录追溯到了我的家族史。He traced the words with a shaking hand.他用颤抖的手写下那些字。The custom may be traced up to the Tang Dynasty.这种风俗可以追溯到唐代。The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas.这位精神病学家将她的一些问题成功地追溯到她童年时代遭受的严重创伤。Words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries.经过了数百年,词语的有些含义在词典里已难以查到来源。They have traced their roots back several generations.他们追溯到前几辈的祖先。They traced the river back to its ultimate source.他们追寻到了那条河的源头。Lovelock's principled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood.洛夫洛克自成一套的特立独行可以追溯到他的童年时期。Cavan's call was traced to a call box in Brighton.经追查,卡万的电话打自布莱顿的一个电话亭。Mr Robertson applied for an adjournment, to see if witnesses could be traced.罗伯逊先生请求休庭,以看看是否能找到证人。The inscriptive lines were traced out.一行行铭文被描摹出来。The children traced their hands onto the sidewalk with chalk.孩子们用粉笔在人行道上画手印。The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.对这起案件的凶手必须要一查到底。




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