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词汇 torture
例句 Her captors used violence and psychological torture to try to break her will.捉拿她的那些人使用暴力和心理折磨试图摧毁她的意志。The coup attempt was followed by police brutality, executions, and torture.政变后,随之就发生了警察的野蛮行为、处决和严刑拷打。The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture.这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的。Cars are put through thousands of miles of torture.汽车要经受行驶数千英里的破坏性试验。We all accept that it is wrong to torture people.我们都承认严刑逼供是不对的。This is a man who took pleasure in torture and humiliation.他是一个以折磨和羞辱别人为乐的人。We're hearing reports of the systematic rape and torture of prisoners.我们听到一些报道说囚犯们受到蓄意强暴和折磨。The prisoners were subjected to torture.囚犯们遭受了折磨。The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country.这份报告称该国一直普遍存在折磨政治犯的现象。The idea of being separated from him, even for a few hours, was torture.一想到要和他分开,即便是短短几小时,都感到备受煎熬。In court she gave evidence about her torture, naming the officers involved.在法庭上她展示了遭受拷打的证据,提到了参与刑讯的官员的名字。He claims his confession was extracted under torture.他声称自己是在刑讯逼供下认罪的。The waiting must be torture for you.这次等待对你来说肯定是一种煎熬。The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.报告说酷刑普遍存在,政府军法外行刑也屡见不鲜。What are you doing now to show compassion toward the victims of torture?你现在做些什么来表达你对受酷刑者的同情呢?A whole day without chocolate must be torture for you.一整天没巧克力吃肯定让你很难受。Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia's detention camps have outraged the world's religious leaders.关于塞尔维亚拘留营中严刑拷打和大肆处决的报道令全世界的宗教领袖义愤填膺。They used sleep deprivation as a form of torture.他们把不让睡觉作为一种折磨人的手段。The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。Amnesty is an organization that fights against torture and injustice.大赦国际是和酷刑与不义作斗争的组织。Listening to him can be torture.听他讲话可以说是受折磨。It says torture and summary execution are common.那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。Amnesty International chronicles cases of torture and mutilation.大赦国际组织按时间顺序记载了酷刑和暴力伤害事件。Don't torture yourself over the mistake.别为这个错误折磨自己。He belongs to a guerrilla group infamous for torture and plunder.他属于一个以酷刑和劫掠而臭名昭著的游击队组织。At its worst, bullying is a kind of torture.最严重的霸凌行为是一种虐待。The government has been accused of skirting round the issue of torture.政府受到指责,称其避而不谈虐待疑犯的问题。Britain is conniving in torture.英国纵容酷刑。I had thought this was a medieval torture that had mercifully disappeared.我还以为这是中世纪的酷刑,早已令人庆幸地不复存在了。No torture in interpretation would be required.不应该有任何的曲解。The book tells of the boys’ rapid descent into savagery, and the use of torture and terror.本书讲述这些男孩子很快堕落到野蛮的地步,并使用拷打和恐怖手段。Waiting is just torture for me.等待对我而言就是种折磨。Many of our friends’ lives have been shattered by intolerance, persecution and torture.我们许多朋友的生活被不容异说、迫害和虐待毁了。Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也决不放弃自己的信念/信仰。The human rights campaign has raised public awareness of the torture going on in the country.人权运动增强了大众对该国实行严刑拷打的认识。The confession was made under torture.这份供词是严刑逼供得来的。It is my understanding that this torture has been going on for many years.据我了解,这种折磨已经持续很多年了。The brutal torture broke the prisoner who eventually confessed.酷刑制服了囚犯,使他终于招供。If they had wanted to wring information from us, at least torture would be understandable.如果他们当初想逼我们交出情报,可以想见至少会动刑。The British courts have universal jurisdiction over torture cases.英国各法院对于虐待案拥有普遍管辖权。




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