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词汇 Big
例句 Big receptions and honours just fracture me.盛大的欢迎和巨大的荣誉使我激动得不可自已。The open-air terrace affords unparalleled views of the Big Apple.从露天平台上可以看到纽约无与伦比的景色。Big tax cuts are often proposed to curry favour with voters.大规模减税的提出往往是为了讨好选民。Big credits were given to East Germany by successive West German governments.历届西德政府给予东德大量的贷款。Big cuts in education are very undesirable.教育经费的大幅度削减是极不受欢迎的。The main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented.对纽约的主要旅游胜地有详细的记载。Big farmers are moving in, not in order to farm, but in order to speculate with rising land prices.大农场主正在不断涌进来,不是为了耕作,而是要利用不断上涨的地价进行投机。He said he had licked the Big C before.他说他曾战胜过癌症。Big raindrops splatted against the windscreen.大滴大滴的雨点啪嗒啪嗒地打在挡风玻璃上。Big media groups are drawn to social networking sites because of their "sticky" nature.大媒体公司被社交媒体所吸引,因为他们具有黏性。Big losses due to theft and fraud forced the company to close.因盗窃和诈骗造成的巨额损失迫使该公司倒闭。Big improvements can be made with only a small amount of training and effort.只要稍加培训,再花点工夫,进步就会很大。Big businesses are not concerned with the small fry.大企业不关注鸡毛蒜皮的小事。Big companies think they can sometimes override local opinion.大公司认为它们对地方舆论有时候可以置之不理。Big companies file lawsuits to silence their critics.大公司通过诉讼来压制批评的声音。Big issues are going through on the nod.重大议题将会一致通过。Big cities have lots of diversions.大城市里有许多娱乐活动。Big things, such as hospitals and social security, are paid for by the Government.医疗和社会保障之类的大型项目是由政府支付。She's planning a trip to the Big Apple.她正计划去纽约旅行。I predict in three or four years he'll be Mister Big.我预言再过三四年他就会是个大人物。Big meals during the day cause drowsiness.白天吃太多会让人昏昏欲睡。Big earrings are the rage now.大耳环是现在流行的东西。Brian, an air steward, shot to fame on the television show 'Big Brother'.布赖恩,一名飞机乘务员,在电视节目《老大哥》中一举成名。Big, successful moves need bold, masterful managers.重大而成功的举措需要既大胆又善于控制局势的经理来实施。Big drops of rain slid down the window pane.大滴大滴的雨水从窗户玻璃上滑下来。Big Ben is one of London's most famous landmarks.大本钟是伦敦最有名的标志性建筑。Big companies can get around such rules.大公司可以绕过这些规则。Big money could still be made if the crisis keeps oil prices high.如果这场危机让油价居高不下的话,仍然有可能赚大钱。Big supermarkets can undercut all rivals, especially small family-owned shops.大型超市售价可以低于所有竞争对手,尤其是那些商业街上的小店铺。Big business firms pander to the teenagers of today.大公司迎合当今青少年的需求。Big concert halls do not faze Melanie.大型音乐厅不会让梅拉妮慌乱。Big companies are losing market share to scrappy smaller operators.大公司的市场份额正被敢打敢拼的小经营商抢走。Big power companies grab cheap supplies and stick everyone else with more expensive ones.大的电力公司把便宜的供应商抓在手中,迫使其他人使用更昂贵的供应商。So she's got a part in the school play? Big deal!哦,她参加学校的戏剧演出啦?真是了不得哦!Big pension funds have a constant flow of cash.大型退休基金有持续的现金流。The public is window-shopping. Big events still can sway voters.公众尚在观望之中。重大事件仍然会影响选民的抉择。He met his end at the Battle of Little Big Horn.他在小大角河战役中身亡。Investors are plagued by doubts about Detroit's Big Three carmakers.投资者对底特律三大汽车制造商一直心存疑虑。Big department stores can drive mom-and-pop shops/stores out of business.大百货公司能把小商店挤垮。Big occasions have never overawed or intimidated him.他还从来没被任何大场面吓怕过。




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