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词汇 timid
例句 My dog is a little timid - especially around other dogs.我的狗有点儿胆小,尤其是在周围有其他狗的时候。They think I'm just a timid woman, but I'll show them they're wrong.他们以为我是个胆小的女子,可我要让他们知道他们错了。He does not like his job, but is too timid to try to find another.他不喜欢自己的工作,但胆子太小,不敢尝试另找工作。Decker knew that the senior officer was wrong, but was too timid to tell him.德克尔知道上级错了,可他过于胆怯,不敢告诉他。These timid little creatures exude a pungent smell when threatened.这些胆小的小动物受到威胁就会放出一股刺鼻的气味。A timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age.伊莎贝拉是一个羞怯的孩子,很小就学会了顺从。We need resolute action, not timid half-measures.我们需要的是果断的行动,而不是懦弱的折中办法。Ralph's wife was a small, timid woman who hardly ever spoke.拉尔夫的太太是个娇小、胆怯的女人,几乎从不说话。The timid girl didn't want to meet the new children in the neighborhood.那个羞怯的女孩子不想见街坊里新来的孩子。Her timid eyes grew bright and she looked ready to venture on.她胆怯的眼睛一下子亮了起来,看来打算去冒这个险。She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers.她见陌生人时很胆怯害羞。He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking.他太胆小,不敢从事新的事业。I was always timid about taking action in a crisis, but not Doris.碰到危急情况我总是不够果断,但多丽丝却不是这样。He was timid about saying this.此事他羞于启齿。He plays the role of a timid and fearful clerk.他演一个胆小怯懦的职员。The newspaper called the plan timid and unimaginative.该报称这一计划谨小慎微,毫无想象力。I wouldn't say they're exaggeratedly polite and timid either.我认为他们既没有故作客气,也不是太过羞怯。Don't be timid. You can behave without ceremony here.别怕,在这儿你可以不必拘束。She gave me a timid smile.她羞涩地冲我笑了笑。He urged the timid boy to be a little more outspoken about his desires.他鼓励那胆怯的男孩更直率地谈出他的愿望。The President's critics say he has been too timid in responding to changing international developments.批评总统的人认为他在应对风云变幻的国际局势时过于瞻前顾后。He gave her a timid smile.他冲她羞怯地笑了笑。She is timid and completely at a loss what to do.她羞臊得不知所措。His demeanour in court is usually quiet and timid.他在法庭上的举止通常是安静且胆小的。




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