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These rookie cops don't know anything yet.这些新警察现在还什么都不懂呢。These headaches are extremely common.这类头痛非常常见。These birds generally overwinter in tropical regions.这些鸟通常在热带地区过冬。These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的余利。These birds are graceful fliers.这些鸟是姿态优雅的飞翔者。These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪声而不同凡响。These rocks were folded in part of the Caledonian chain.这些岩石的褶皱是在加里东山链中形成的。These chairs were built for comfort.这些椅子坐上去很舒适。These kids seem so aggressive, but inside they're terrified.这些孩子外表看起来气势汹汹,但是他们内心害怕极了。These are the report's main conclusions.这些就是这篇报告的主要结论。These changes should help keep prices down.这些改变应该有助于保持低价。These exercises will tone up your muscles.这些运动方式会强健你的肌肉。These are genuinely difficult issues.这些的确是难题。These novels mirror life in today's Japan from various angles.这些小说从不同角度反映了当代日本的生活。These creatures can change colour in order to blend into their surroundings.这些动物能变色,这样就能与其周围环境融为一体。These properties are considered especially suitable for older people.这些特点被认为特别适合老年人。These rules will only be an encumbrance.这些规则将只会是个妨碍。These garden shears are lightweight and easy to use.这些园艺剪刀又轻又好用。These matters will have to be left over until our next meeting.这些事得推迟到下次会议上讨论。These hills look furry with trees.这几座山上绿树满坡,像是披了件皮毛外衣。These policies will help to bring families back to the city centres.这些政策将有助于把家庭带回市中心。These results might be considered implausible.这些结果可能会令人难以相信。These products are designed for easy installation.这些产品设计得便于安装。These factors are of special note.这些因素特别重要。These comings and goings excited some curiosity.这些来来往往的举动引起了一些人的好奇。These boats are hollowed out of logs.这些小船是用原木挖空而制成的。These old photographs should go in the family archives.这些老照片应收入家庭档案里。These pants are on the tight side. 这条裤子有点紧。These people lack the wherewithal for a decent existence.这些人缺少过体面生活所需的钱财。These scandals are eroding confidence in the market.这些丑闻正在消磨人们对市场的信心。These batteries are sold on a trade-in basis.这些电池是作为旧电池折价出售的。These new fabrics are designed to wear well.这些新面料经久耐用。These styles were a bit before my time.这些是我出生前流行的款式。These gloves will keep your hands warm.这副手套会让你的手暖和起来。These changes will be to your benefit. 这些变化将有益于你。These two games here will stand them in good stead for the future.现在的这两场比赛将对他们今后很有利。These societal changes are inextricably bound up with the development of new technologies.这些社会变迁与新技术的发展密不可分。These hiking boots are tough enough to take any amount of punishment. 这些登山鞋都够结实,经得起万般折腾。These ceremonies were already part of pre-Christian ritual in Mexico.这些仪式已经成为墨西哥基督教时期以前的宗教仪式的一部分。These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise.这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。 |