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词汇 susceptible
例句 Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury.负重行走时肩膀很容易受伤。Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases.喝酒多的人一般更容易感染传染性疾病。The operation had left her susceptible to infection.手术使她特别容易受感染。Goats appear to be more susceptible to the infection than sheep.山羊似乎比绵羊更容易受感染。Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible to erosion.山坡上的土壤很容易流失。Dry cleaning can be a source of trouble for chemically susceptible persons.干洗可能会是化学敏感人群感到不适的原因之一。Among particularly susceptible children, the disease can develop very fast.在特别易感的儿童中,这种疾病病情发展会非常迅速。Young people are the most susceptible to advertisements.年轻人最容易受广告的影响。Older people are more susceptible to infections.年纪较大的人更易受感染。From this graph, it can be seen that some people are more susceptible to the disease.从这张图表可以看出,有些人更容易得这种疾病。Many people were lightly dressed and therefore susceptible to burn injuries.很多人穿得很少,因此很容易烫伤。Humans are the only animals naturally susceptible to the disease.人类是唯一天生易感染该疾病的动物。Working conditions are susceptible of improvement by legislation.工作条件可以通过立法加以改善。They persuade susceptible teenagers to part with their money.他们劝说这些易被感动的年轻人捐出他们的钱。He is susceptible to flattery.他爱听恭维话。The thicker the material, the less susceptible the garment will be to wet conditions.布料越厚实,衣服就越不容易浸湿。Children are just as susceptible to psychosomatic conditions as adults.儿童和成人一样易患由精神压力引起的疾病。We are all susceptible to advertising.我们都容易受广告的影响。Hers was a susceptible nature.她生性情绪化。He is ambitious and susceptible to flattery.他野心勃勃,爱听奉承话。He was, she believes, unusually susceptible to women.她认为他对女人毫无招架之力。Diesel exhaust is particularly aggravating to many susceptible individuals.对敏感体质而言,柴油机排出的废气尤为恼人。The old and the infirm are the most susceptible to this disease.年老体弱者最容易得这种病。The virus can infect susceptible individuals.这种病毒会感染过敏体质者。James was extremely susceptible to flattery.詹姆斯听几句奉承话就忘乎所以。He is very susceptible to colds. 他很容易感冒。Some dogs are genetically susceptible to the disease.有些狗先天易得这种病。She was very susceptible to flattery.她很爱听恭维话。Others are more susceptible to attempts at quantification.其他人更容易倾向于加以量化的做法。This agreement is not susceptible to alteration.这一协议不容更改。Commodities susceptible to water damage should be on skids or pallets.易受水损的货物应当用垫木或托盘垫起来。




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