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词汇 suspected
例句 We suspected they were brewing some sort of plan to oust the party chairman.我们怀疑他们正在策划将该党主席赶下台的阴谋。The insurance company suspected that he had faked his own death.保险公司怀疑他诈死。Both men had originally been suspected of Brown's murder.最初,两个人都被怀疑与布朗的凶杀案有关。Police suspected a tie-in between the murder and the international narcotics ring.警方怀疑这起谋杀案和国际贩毒集团有关联。The police suspected that he was guilty, but they had no concrete evidence against him. 警方怀疑他有罪,但却没有确凿的证据。The police suspected that some high official was mixed up in the crime.警方怀疑某一高级官员同这一犯罪案件有牵连。Under the doctrine of universal jurisdiction, suspected war criminals may be prosecuted irrespective of where they are located.根据普遍管辖权规定,无论战犯嫌疑人身处何地,都可以对其进行起诉。He had suspected her of lying for some time.他怀疑她骗他已经有一段时间了。Many suspected that the deal had been fixed in advance.许多人怀疑交易有人事先操纵。A warrant has been issued for the arrest of a suspected terrorist.一名恐怖分子嫌疑犯的逮捕令已经签发。They are suspected of trading in illegal weapons.他们被怀疑从事非法武器买卖。Soldiers were punished severely if they were suspected of sympathising with student agitators.军人如果有同情学生鼓动者的嫌疑,就会受到严厉的惩罚。Carl seemed very kind, but she suspected his motives.卡尔看起来很友善,但她对他的动机表示怀疑。They suspected that he was the informant.他们怀疑他是告密者。I suspected that he had some sinister designs.我怀疑他图谋不轨。The mayor was suspected of playing footsie with the syndicate.人们怀疑市长与犯罪活动操纵集团勾勾搭搭。He was suspected of having been a spy during the war.他被怀疑在战时当过间谍。He had a suspected broken arm.他的一只手臂疑似骨折。He suspected that the US would take the opportunity to strike back at the Axis forces.他怀疑美国将利用这次机会对轴心国部队进行反击。Frears was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack.弗里尔斯疑似心脏病发作,被紧急送往医院。Voters suspected a hidden political agenda.选民们怀疑背后有暗藏的政治目的。The police strongly suspected that she had been involved - her story kept changing and was filled with inconsistencies.警方非常怀疑她也有份—她的说法一直在变,而且充满矛盾。Those suspected of collaborating during the occupation were tried and shot那些被怀疑在敌军占领时期勾结敌方的人受到了审判并被枪决。He was suspected of collaborating with the occupying army.他被怀疑勾结占领军。A number of people were deported for being suspected terrorists.一些涉嫌的恐怖主义分子被驱逐出境。He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.他猜测,她内心深处十分佩服自己有勇气和她唱反调。He died from a suspected heart attack.他的死因被怀疑是心脏病。I suspected that he had palmed a playing card.我怀疑他把一张纸牌藏在了手心里。Police have been carrying out raids on prostitutes suspected of soliciting.警察一直在突击搜查被怀疑卖淫的妓女。We suspected his motives in making his offer.我们对他提出这个建议的动机表示怀疑。I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him out when I found some letters he'd written.我怀疑他没有告诉我实情,有一天,我发现了他写的一些信后戳穿了他。She was detained in hospital with a suspected broken leg.她因为被怀疑腿部骨折而留医。There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.对疑似恐怖分子的数据收集工作有了很大的进展。He was brought to the casualty department with suspected concussion.他因疑有脑震荡被送往急救室。I suspected that his motives for helping us were questionable.我怀疑他帮助我们是别有用心的。Not being fey, he never suspected what it would lead to.他不能未卜先知,所以从没怀疑这件事会有什么样的结果。I always suspected she owed her first job to her friendship with Roger.我一直怀疑她仗着自己是罗杰的朋友才得到第一份工作。He was wrongly suspected of the crime.有人错误地怀疑他犯了罪。The store detective was keeping a close eye on a suspected shoplifter.商店的保安正严密监视一个可疑的商店扒手。She began to feel sleepy and suspected that her drink had been doped.她开始觉得昏昏欲睡,怀疑自己的饮料被下了迷药。




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