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词汇 survived
例句 Many of these cushions have survived and are very collectible.这些垫子很多都保存了下来,非常有收藏价值。The house survived the war intact.这幢房子在经历了战争之后依旧完好无损。They survived on roots and berries.他们靠吃根茎和浆果活了下来。The Cathedral survived repeated bombings during the Second World War.这座教堂在第二次世界大战期间经历了多次轰炸,但是仍然保存了下来。I've survived till now, and will go on doing so without help from you.我一直努力活到了现在,而且没有你的帮助也能继续活下去。Through some incredible freak of fate they survived the shipwreck.由于命运奇特的安排,他们竟然从海难中生还。She had survived polio, but her right leg was weak and deformed.她得过小儿麻痹症,虽然活了下来,但右腿软弱无力,成了畸形。She survived in the wilderness by eating berries and trapping small animals and birds.她靠着吃浆果和设陷阱捕捉小动物和鸟,在野外活了下来。The government survived an opposition vote of no confidence in parliament.政府挺过了反对党在议会发动的不信任投票。It was an extremely nasty accident and I was astonished that anyone had survived it.这场事故极为严重,有人活下来让我感到非常惊讶。She survived on the streets by shoplifting and picking pockets.她以在街上混日子为生,到商店行窃,扒窃路人。I survived a terrible tragedy, but I don't want to play the victim. 我从一个可怕的灾难中死里逃生,但我不想让人看着像个受害者。Mr Thomas is survived by his wife, Muriel.托马斯先生的妻子缪丽尔比他活得久。The film tells the true story of a group who survived in the Andes in sub-zero temperatures.电影讲述了一群人在安第斯山脉零度以下的环境中生存下来的真实故事。No one could have survived such an impact.没有人遭到这样的撞击还能活下来。It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone.它通过最大限度降低成本生存了下来。Few survived after the flood.洪水后极少有人生还。He has survived several assassination attempts.他几次遭到暗杀都幸免于难。Most of the trees were destroyed by the fire, but a few survived.大部分树木都被这场火烧毁了,但有一些存活下来。The two biologists found, to their surprise, that both groups of birds survived equally well.两位生物学家惊奇地发现,两个鸟群都很好地生存了下来。Only his son survived him.只有他的儿子比他活得时间长。We were asked to direct our thoughts and prayers to the people who survived the disaster.我们被要求关注那些灾难中的幸存者,并为他们祈祷。In spite of great peril, I have survived.虽然处境非常危险,我还是挺过来了。Some prisoners made life quite acceptable for themselves and survived very well.有些囚犯把自己的生活安排得很过得去,竟很好地活了下来。It was a miracle that she survived the birth of her stillborn baby.她生了死胎还能活下来,真是奇迹。Two crew members survived, but two are still missing.两名机组人员生还,但仍有两人下落不明。The panel could not say, on a balance of probabilities, that the patient would have survived given appropriate therapy.依据或然性权衡的原则,陪审团不能说患者如果得到了恰当的医治,本来可以活下来。I alone survived the crash.那次飞机失事只有我一个人幸免于难。The frescoes have survived remarkably well.壁画保存得相当完好。Only one man is known to have survived such a journey.据悉这趟旅程只有一名男子幸存。We survived the accident with a few minor bumps and scrapes.我们在这次事故中幸存了下来,只受了一些轻微的碰伤和擦伤。Nobody could have survived the wreck.在这起事故中没人能幸免于难。He has somehow survived a year-long train of defeats.经受了一年来连续不断的失败,他好歹活了下来。Few buildings survived the war intact.这场战争后没有几幢建筑是完好的。They have already survived considerable hardship.他们已经熬过了极其艰苦的时期。By his own admission he had led a charmed life. He had survived a train crash when he was seventeen.他也承认自己是命好,他十七岁的时候遭遇火车失事却幸免于难。They survived the crash/flood.他们在车祸/洪水中得以幸存。The statue survived though minus a leg.那尊塑像保存了下来,但缺了一条腿。Edna Leitch survived a gas blast which brought her home crashing down on top of her.埃德娜·利奇在一次煤气爆炸中幸免于难,那次爆炸把她家的房子炸塌了,她本人则被压在下面。It was impossible that anyone could have survived the crash.这次车祸不可能有人生还。




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