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词汇 Just
例句 Just then someone started sniping at us.就在那时有人开始向我们打冷枪。Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure.只需启程前三天或更早些打电话预订即可。Just cross out the old address.把旧地址划掉即可。You'd sell the car? Just like that?你要把那辆汽车卖掉?就那么轻而易举吗?Just at that moment there was a knock on the door.就在那时,有人敲门了。Just throw all your bags in the back.把所有的包都扔到后面去。Just keep quiet – you're in enough trouble as it is.安静点,你的麻烦已经够多了。Just one of the ten members dissented.十名成员中只有一人持异议。Just surviving the storm became uppermost.如何逃过这场暴风雨是当务之急。Just wait until he gets home. I'll give him what for!等他一到家,我就教训他一顿。Just thinking about the test made my stomach churn.一想到这次考试我就觉得胃里直翻腾。Just as we were about to leave the house, rain began to fall.我们刚要离开屋子时开始下雨了。Just leave me alone, will you? Why don't you go and pick on someone your own size?别惹我,行吗?你怎么不找一个个头儿和你差不多的呢?Just a sliver of cake for me, please.请给我一小薄片蛋糕就行。I didn't get to the phone in time. Just my luck!我没来得及接那个电话。 我就这运气!Just try to cool out.试着放松下来吧。I don't have time to hassle with you about this! Just do what I tell you to do!我没时间跟你争论这个!就按我说的去做!Just a minute, I'm almost ready.稍等一下,我马上就准备好。Just follow the signs for the airport.跟着机场方向的路标就行了。Just because you're older than me, it doesn't give you the right to patronize me.你年龄比我大,但这并不意味着你有权以高人一等的态度对我说话。Just free your mind and write whatever comes.你就放开思绪,想到什么就把它写下来。Oh great! Just what I need.太好了!正是我需要的。Just fast forward the video.让录像带快进就行了。Just go down the road a little way, turn left, and cross the bridge.沿这条路走一小段,向左转,然后过桥。Just wait for me in the lounge.请在休息室里等我就行了。Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?仅仅出于好奇问一句,你那辆车花了多少钱?Just sponge the paint on, like this.用海绵把油漆涂上去,就像这样。Just imagine the vileness and blackness of his sin!请想想,他的罪孽性质是多么卑鄙恶劣!Just by feeling, can you tell me what this object is?单凭触觉你能告诉我这是什么东西吗?Just calm down, stop gabbling, and tell me what has happened.请冷静下来,说话别太急,告诉我发生了什么事。Just get on with it, man!继续干吧,老兄!Just to be on the safe side, take an umbrella.为保险起见,带上把伞吧。Just be straight with her and tell her how you feel.对她坦诚一些,告诉她你的感觉。Just lend a sympathetic ear while she tells you her problems.她告诉你她的问题时你认真倾听就行了。Just before the storm broke we beelined for home.在暴风雨来临前一刻我们直奔回家。Just follow your nose until you see the school car park.笔直向前走到可以看见学校的停车场。Just call me if you need anything. I'm right here.需要什么就喊我一声,我就在这里。Just tell me what happened.告诉我发生了什么事。Just stop this nonsense of refusing to talk to anybody.不要再做这种拒绝与人说话的傻事了。Just spin the washing and it's nearly dry.只需要将洗好的衣物脱水,它就差不多干了。




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