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例句 His comments are just abstract theory and show little understanding of the realities of the situation.他的意见只是抽象的理论,对实际情况几乎毫无了解。The plan seems quite simple to me, but I just can't get it across.这个计划在我看来很简单,但我却没法把它讲清楚。I just can't think of his name.我就是想不起来他叫什么了。I don't really have a grand plan, I'll just see what happens.我其实没有什么宏伟计划,只是静观其变。The break-in had occurred just before midnight.这次非法闯入就发生在午夜前。An old bridge spans the river just outside the town.一座老桥横跨在镇外的河上。Are we witnessing a genuine recovery in the share price, or is it just a dead cat bounce?我们看到的是股价的真正止跌反弹,还是只是短时反弹?I saw a wallpaper today that would be just right for the bathroom.我今天看到了一种壁纸,正适合用来装饰浴室。We'd just sun our noses till they peeled.我们就是要把鼻子晒到脱皮为止。I'd just changed the baby's nappy.我刚给宝宝换了尿布。Things just won't be the same without Sam.萨姆不在,情况就不一样了。He's just funning with you.他只是和你开玩笑。He's just some sad-sack writer trying to get a book published.他只是一个总想着要出本书,但永远成功不了的作家。Gun crime is just part of an increasingly lawless society.涉枪犯罪只是法纪日益缺失的社会的一个方面。Let's just go through the details again.我们把细节再复习一遍吧。Don't worry – it's all just water under the bridge.别担心了,事情已经发生了。We do not live our lives just to digest, secrete, excrete, and respire.我们生活并不仅仅是消化、分泌、排泄、呼吸而已。The house came up for sale and the couple realised they could just about afford it.这幢房子放盘,两口子才意识到他们的钱差不多刚够买下它。You can just go and chuck all this rubbish away!你尽可以去把这堆垃圾扔掉!I'm just nipping out to get some milk. Does anyone want anything?我出去买点牛奶,有人需要什么东西吗?If I want a drink, why, I'll just get it myself!如果我想喝,嗬,我会自己去拿!It was just a simple disagreement. Don't blow it up out of all proportion.这只是个小小的分歧,别把它说严重了。The train was late, and I just barely made it to the meeting on time.火车晚点了,我勉强赶上开会没迟到。I was just playing around. I didn't really mean it.我只是开个玩笑。我不是认真的。Can you just lift the table for a second?.你把桌子抬起来一下好吗?It won't be anything special – just a few cakes and sandwiches and such.不会是什么特别的东西,就是几块蛋糕、三明治以及诸如此类的点心罢了。I thought we could be friends, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. 我曾以为我们可以成为朋友,但现在想来那是根本不可能的。Adam walked away from the crash with just a graze on his left shoulder.亚当在车祸中平安脱险,只是左肩蹭破了点皮。It's impossible to predict what he'll do - he just acts when the spirit moves him.根本不可能预测他会做什么——他做事情纯凭感觉。This drawer is stuck. It just won't open!抽屉卡住了,打不开!Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.环境保护主义者并非想在政治上争个对错——他们仅仅想拯救这个星球而已。They just cleave the stone along the cracks.他们就是顺着裂缝把石头劈开。I'd just like to make a comment.我只想稍加评论。He just got out of the hospital.他刚刚离开医院。I'd just like to comment on what your previous caller was saying.我只想就前一位打进电话的人所说的事情谈谈我的看法。Many years ago, if people didn't behave just so, they ought to be punished.多年前,要是人们不循规蹈矩,他们就该受到惩罚。I didn't mean to be rude - it just came out like that.我不想无礼——只是话说得太直。We're just passing through. 我们只是路过。Turn right and just basically walk straight, right over the river.向右转,然后大致直着往前走,越过小河。A vote was just about to be taken when someone stood up and said that they wished to move an amendment.正要开始表决,有人站起来说他们想提出修正案。




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