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例句 They talked about the many benefits of learning English.他们谈论了学习英语的许多好处。The city's economic growth is exemplified by the many new buildings that are currently under construction.目前许多新的在建的高楼大厦展现了这座城市的经济发展。Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.我们做任何事情都应该为了多数人的需要。The dropping of these tour dates was a great disappointment for the many fans of the band.这些巡演日程的取消使乐队的许多歌迷大为失望。It's one of the many products their company pitches.这是他们公司做广告的众多产品之一。One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.住在纽约的诸多好处之一是随便什么时候都可以外出吃饭。A government should serve the many, not the few.政府应该为多数人,而不是少数人服务。A new dictionary must be very good if it is to compete with the many already in the market.一本新词典必须质量优等才能与市场上现有的许多词典相媲美。Because of the many breakthroughs in microelectronics, man was able to make ultra-thin smartphones.由于微电子学上得许多突破,人类才能把手机做得超薄。Pains in the head were among the many afflictions she suffered.头部疼痛是她遭受的许多痛苦之一。Monaco is one of the many jewels of the Cote d'Azur.摩纳哥是蔚蓝海岸的众多明珠之一。I remember the many rainy afternoons I spent reading at the library.我还记得我在图书馆看书的许多个下雨的午后。Drugs are one of the many evils of modern society.毒品是现代社会的众多祸害之一。The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.许多省份之间的文化和历史纽带被认为是很脆弱的。Air pollution is one of the many problems being addressed by the scientists at the conference.空气污染是与会科学家们关注的诸多问题之一。She felt encouraged by the many letters of support.许多表示支持的信使她很受鼓舞。The needs of the many have been ignored – instead, the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few.多数人的需要被忽视了 — 相反,只优先惠及了少数一部分人。Flexibility is one of the many advantages of working from home.灵活性是在家中工作所具有的许多优点之一。The children pursued their studies, undisturbed by the many visitors.孩子们继续学习,不因许多来访者而分心。This is just one of the many benefits of membership.这只是会员享有的众多好处之一。She's an actress whose inner life has remained mysterious, despite the many interviews she has given.作为一名演员,她虽然接受过多次采访,但私生活依然很神秘。The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.新年伊始是反思过去一年诸多成就的好时机。Hunger is the worst of all the many slings and arrows suffered by the poor inhabitants.饥饿是穷苦居民遭受的厄运中最难以忍受的。They were one of the many, many families that came to watch the parade.许许多多的家庭都来观看游行,他们是其中的一家。We are searching for innovative and creative ways to solve the many problems facing us.我们正在寻求新颖、有创意的方法来解决我们所面临的许多问题。I don't see why the many should suffer because of the few idiots who cause trouble.我不明白为什么多数人要因为几个惹是生非的白痴而受苦。They joined the many other Armenians living in exile.他们加入到过着流亡生活的许多其他亚美尼亚人当中。I thanked them for the many kindnesses they showed me.我感谢他们对我的许多帮助。The reports are testimony to the many hours of research completed by this committee.这些报告充分表明该委员会花了很多时间进行研究。Lovers of night life won't be able to resist the many nightclubs in the area.热爱过夜生活的人是抵挡不住这里许许多多夜总会的诱惑的。He ignores come-ons from the many women who seem to find him attractive.很多女人似乎觉得他富有魅力,因而大献殷勤,他对此却一概不予理会。This war is another example of the few sacrificing their lives for the many.这场战争又是一个少数人为多数人牺牲的例子。This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.这是身为职业妇女的母亲们面临的众多难题之一。This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.这绝称不上是详尽无遗的清单,但是列出了很多正在进行的项目。The report hardly mentions the many patients who have benefited from the treatment.报道中几乎提都没提得益于这种治疗方法的许多病人。Resources must be redirected into the many under-funded areas of education.资源必须重新调配至诸多投资不足的教育领域。He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.他急于剔除那些他认为是冒牌货的申请人。This is just one of the many actions that they could have taken.这只是他们本可采取的众多行动之一。Her impatience with/at the many delays was obvious.她对多次延误的不耐烦是显而易见的。The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers.我冒的唯一身体受伤风险就是被众多慢跑者中的一个撞倒。




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