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词汇 the choice
例句 She questioned the choice of Murphy for this role.她对选择墨菲担任这一角色提出质疑。He did not dally over the choice of a partner.他没有在选择合伙人的问题上浪费时间。My father left the choice of career to me, and I opted for law.在选择职业问题上,我父亲让我拿主意,我选择了律师职业。They're widening the choice of foreign languages available.他们正在增加可选的外语种类。They narrowed the choice down to about a dozen.他们将选择范围缩小到了十来个。It's cheap, but the choice is a rather limited.这很便宜,但选择很有限。He is bent on the choice of magniloquent phrase.他专门选用夸张的言词。Of the cavalry the king's own was the choice.国王自己的骑兵队是骑兵部队中的精华。I simply remind them that the choice is theirs.我只是提醒他们,选择权在他们自己手上。We gave her the choice, and she decided she'd like a bike for her birthday.我们让她选择,她决定要辆自行车作生日礼物。It is a movement that threatens the choice of the people and threatens to install a theocratic state.它是一个威胁到人民的选择权、有可能建立神权统治的运动。Not all women have the choice of whether or not to breast-feed their babies.并非所有女性都能选择是否给宝宝进行母乳喂养。If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement.如果产品不能使用,可选择退款或换货。Not all women have the choice whether or not to breast-feed their babies.不是所有的妇女都能选择是否用母乳哺育自己的孩子。In the end, the choice was quite easy.到最后,选择十分容易。You have the choice of coffee or tea.你可以选择咖啡或茶。There has been a lot of wheeling and dealing over the choice of candidate.在候选人的选择上有太多的钻营。Given the choice, I'd rather stay home tonight.如果可以选择,我今晚宁愿待在家里。In Britain, the choice between state and private schools accentuates the differences between rich and poor.在英国,公立学校和私立学校之间的选择,突出了贫富之间的差别。She has narrowed down the choice of dresses to three or four fashionable ones.挑选到后来她已集中在三四套新式服装上。Employees have the choice to opt in to the scheme.员工有权选择加入该计划。They showed habitual indiscrimination in the choice of their friends.他们在择友方面向来良莠不分。




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