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词汇 没发生
例句 Nothing of great moment happened.没发生重要的事。The next time I saw him, Frank behaved as if nothing had happened.我再次看到弗兰克时,他表现得像是什么都没发生过似的。She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.她泰然自若地走进来,好像什么事也没发生过。Most patients suffer no side-effects.多数病人身上没发生副作用。Walking down the main street, you get the feeling that nothing ever happens in this town.你走在大街上时会有这样的感觉,就是在这个城镇里什么事都没发生过。No major security incidents happened at the Olympic Games that year.那年的奥运会上没发生重大的安全事件。Half an hour later, she was smiling and chatting as if nothing had happened.半小时后,她又谈笑风生,仿佛什么事都没发生过。You're always anticipating trouble.你这人总是事情还没发生便往坏处想。Gary was behaving as though nothing had happened.加里表现得好像什么也没发生过。When somebody died everything went on as usual, as if it had never happened.就算有人死了一切也都照常进行,好像什么事都没发生过。Nothing much seemed to be happening.好像没发生什么要紧的事。So far, the trip has been trouble free. 至今为止,这次旅行还没发生任何问题。I can't just pretend nothing happened.我不能就假装什么事都没发生过。You just have to carry on as if nothing's happened.你只能继续下去,就当什么都没发生You should face up to things, not just pretend that nothing's happening.你要敢于面对发生的事情,而不是假装什么事都没发生I took a firm grip and squeezed tightly, but nothing happened.我紧紧抓住,用力挤,但什么事也没发生She gave an anticipatory shiver.事情还没发生她就打了个寒战。Nothing ever happens here in the evening.这儿晚上从来没发生过什么事儿。Nothing newsworthy ever happens around here. It's so boring.这里从没发生任何有新闻价值的事情,太乏味了。The government has soldiered on as if nothing were wrong.政府继续坚持着,好像什么乱子都没发生过似的。I keyed the number in, but nothing happened.我键入了数字,但是什么都没发生The celebrations carried on as if nothing had happened.庆祝仪式继续进行,好像什么事情也没发生似的。She waited and watched, but nothing happened.她一边等一边观察,但什么事也没发生The minutes ticked by and still nothing happened.时间一分一秒地过去,仍然什么事也没发生He picked himself up from the floor as if nothing had happened.他自己从地上爬起来,好像什么都没发生过。Nothing much has happened since you left.你走后没发生过什么重大的事。The event passed off with no major incidents.事情过去了,没发生什么大的变故。She acted as if nothing had happened.她装作好像什么事也没发生过。The authorities tried to airbrush out their mistake and pretend it had never happened.当权者尽力掩盖他们的过失,假装这事没发生过。




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