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There are precious few hours of sunlight left.没剩多少日照时间了。I've got hardly any money left.我几乎没剩几个钱。I wish I could offer you some cake but there's none left.我真想能请你吃些蛋糕,但一点也没剩。There's no food left - we must have eaten it all.没剩什么食物了,想必我们全吃光了。After the guests had gone, there wasn't a thing left to eat.客人走后,吃的东西一点都没剩。There's no time/We have no time to spare if we want to get the article written by tomorrow.如果我们想明天就把这篇文章写完,那么就没剩多少时间了。She's eaten all the biscuits. There are none left.她把饼干都吃光了,一块也没剩。 |