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词汇 没兴趣
例句 He asked me if I wanted to come along but I told him I wasn't interested.他问我是否愿意来,但是我告诉他我没兴趣If there are any strings involved, I'm really not interested.如果有任何限制条件,那我就真的没兴趣了。I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to look at it.我对结果完全没兴趣,甚至都懒得看一眼。Dad was obviously far too absorbed in his own difficulties to be interested in mine.爸爸显然对他自己的困难太关注了,所以就没兴趣管我的事了。Dan used to play football every Sunday, but then he just lost interest.丹以前每个星期天都踢足球,后来他就没兴趣了。I turned right off that subject when we got the new teacher.来了新教师后,我对那门学科一点都没兴趣了。When they offered me the job I told them they could stuff it.当他们给我提供这份工作时,我告诉他们我没兴趣No thanks, I'm not interested.不了,谢谢,我没兴趣His proposal was met with complete disinterest.对他的提议,人们完全没兴趣I asked him if he wanted to play tennis, but he said he wasn't interested.我问他是否想打网球,但他说他没兴趣I told Steve I'm not interested, but he keeps asking me out - he won't take no for an answer.我已经告诉史蒂夫我没兴趣,可他还是不断请我出去——他就是不接受别人说“不”字。Both the kids are into computer games at the moment, and nothing else!这两个小孩目前都对电脑游戏入了迷,此外对什么都没兴趣I lost interest in the book after a couple chapters.这本书我读了几章就没兴趣了。I got the impression that he wasn't interested.我感觉他没兴趣Helen tried to persuade her sister to come with us, but she just wasn't interested.海伦想劝她姐姐和我们一起来,但她就是没兴趣I have neither the time nor the inclination to play stupid games!我既没时间也没兴趣去玩愚蠢的游戏!This system may provide a powerful tool for adults who find computers a turn-off yet need to learn to use them.这个系统可能会成为那些对电脑没兴趣但又需要学的成年人强有力的工具。We want a deal. We're not interested in playing games.我们要生意,对闹着玩没兴趣I was completely uninterested in the results.我对结果完全没兴趣He wasn't interested in growing flowers in the garden.他对在花园里种花没兴趣All this talk about counselling and therapy left me cold.我对这些咨询、疗法之类的话一点都没兴趣




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