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词汇 tend
例句 Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。They tend to snack rather than sitting down for proper meals.他们习惯于吃零食,而不是正儿八经地坐下来吃饭。Supermarket wines tend to vary in price and quality.超级市场里的葡萄酒一般都有不同的价格和品质。The people in her family tend to have long/short lives.她家族的成员大都长寿/短命。A lot of people tend to listen to the radio in the mornings.许多人喜欢在早上听广播。Users tend to vote down any rude or juvenile comments. 用户们对于粗鲁或不成熟的言论倾向于点“踩”。Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.大多数助兴乐队由年轻乐手组成,很少会抢歌星的风头。Institutions tend to close ranks when a member has been accused of misconduct.当其中某成员被谴责失职时,机构往往会抱成一团。John does tend to exaggerate slightly.约翰往往喜欢把事情略加夸大。Their views on marriage and divorce tend to be more liberal.他们对结婚和离婚的看法更趋于开明。Her letters do tend to be a bit long-winded.她的信确实有点冗赘。People in my family tend to be tall. 我们家的人个子都挺高的。Newspapers like this tend to reinforce people's prejudices.像这样的报纸往往加深人们的偏见。When we are under stress our bodies tend to tense up.人一紧张,身体就会变僵硬。Many women tend to internalize their anxiety and distress.妇女常常将所有的焦虑和苦恼都深藏心底。Teachers tend to have stereotyped opinions about naughty pupils.教师往往对调皮学生抱有成见。Shoppers tend to think that high prices mean high quality. Electrical goods are a case in point.购物者通常认为高价意味着高质量,电器就是一个很好的例子。Biographers tend to be more accurate and objective than autobiographers.传记作家往往要比自传作家更实事求是也更客观。The road surfaces tend to be worse in the towns than in the country.城镇里的路面往往比乡村的差。These lotions tend to give the skin a tingly sensation.这些润肤乳往往会使皮肤有刺痛感。He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.他是慢工出细活儿,而我则匆匆了事常常出错。New immigrants tend to undercut the old by competing for the same jobs.新移民常以较低的工资与老移民抢饭碗。We tend to make these kinds of decisions according to our own prejudices.我们倾向于依据自己的偏好做出这类决定。The animals tend to graze in a herd.这些动物喜欢成群地吃草。I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.我往往会滥用一些爱用的表达方式。Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past.比起以前,现在的医院总是让病人早些出院。I tend to go for large dark men.我非常喜欢身材魁梧、肤色偏黑的男人。If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.如果你常常因为沮丧而暴饮暴食,首先应该设法找到悲伤的原因。Old people tend to get fat.老年人容易发胖。Alcoholics tend to deceive themselves about their problems.酗酒者对于自己的问题倾向于采取自欺欺人的态度。Old people tend to be conservative in their attitudes.老年人的看法往往保守。Audi tend to advertise in broadsheet newspapers.奥迪惯于在宽幅报纸上做广告。Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck.女性倾向于将她们的成功归因于外部因素,比如运气。It is worth remembering that children tend to copy their parents in this respect.值得记住的是孩子们在这一方面往往会效仿父母。Mr Johnson thinks it's too risky, and I tend to agree with him.约翰逊先生认为这太冒险了,我也倾向于他的看法。As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.人们积累了更多财富后,他们的花费占收入的比重也往往会增加。Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical.不同的电子制表软件包往往很相似,虽然不一定一模一样。Jobs in areas that use mathematical skills, such as computer programming, tend to pay well.电脑编程等用到数学技能的工作往往薪酬很高。Researchers tend to offer conflicting advice on which vitamin and mineral supplements might keep us healthy.研究人员在补充哪些维生素和矿物质对我们的健康有益这个问题上,总是向我们提供一些相互矛盾的建议。Vertical lines in dress design tend to slenderize the matronly figure.衣裙设计中的直线条有助于使主妇般趋胖体形显得苗条。




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