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词汇 挫败
例句 The government has outflanked the opposition by cutting taxes.政府通过降低税率挫败了反对派。The prime minister thwarted the opposition's maneuver to gain control of the government.首相挫败了反对党企图控制政府的阴谋。They have routed the Tory Eurosceptics.他们挫败了英国保守党中反对与欧盟有密切联系的人。Police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into Belfast airport.警方挫败了一场企图将炸弹偷偷带入贝尔法斯特机场的阴谋。The right suffered a disheartening defeat at the elections.右派在选举中遭到了令人泄气的挫败They do their best to frustrate my efforts at every turn.他们每次都竭力挫败我的努力。He swore to defeat Odin's plan.他发誓一定要挫败奥丁的计划。They foiled a bank robbery.他们挫败了一起银行抢劫。They suffered severe military reverses in North Africa.他们在北非遭遇严重的军事挫败Scotland's defeat of Spain苏格兰队挫败西班牙队After a few setbacks, he's back in the saddle again.经过数度挫败后,他重新掌握大权。She had fought many battles, vanquished many foes.她身经百战,挫败过很多对手。The raid was foiled, but at a cost: an injured officer who was lucky to survive.袭击被挫败了,但也付出了代价:一名警察受了伤,所幸没有生命危险。Our team mocked the visitors' attempt to score.我队挫败了客队进球的企图。He was still seething with angry frustration.他心里仍因受到挫败而满含怒气。It's that crash-and-burn moment of stepping on the scale and realizing you have put on weight rather than lost it.当你站到称上发现自己非但没有减肥反而增重了,会感到很挫败Their objections were quickly squashed.他们的反对很快被挫败了。McConnell beat off a challenge for his Senate seat.麦康奈尔挫败了一个欲挑战他参议员席位的人。The escape attempt was foiled by wardens firing in the air.逃跑的企图被对空鸣枪的看守们所挫败The prisoners' attempt to escape was foiled at the last minute when police received a tip-off.由于警方收到密报,囚犯的越狱企图在最后一刻被挫败The government has foiled an attempted military coup.政府挫败了一次军事政变阴谋。They send him back in time to foil the diabolical plot.他们及时派他回来挫败了这个邪恶的阴谋。A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' shotgun.一位勇敢的警长夺过了意图袭击珠宝店的劫匪手中的猎枪,挫败了这起持械抢劫案。The Marines quickly blunted the attack and forced the enemy back in disarray.海军陆战队员迅速挫败了敌人的进攻并迫使其狼狈后撤。They foiled an attack by a terrorist wearing a suicide vest.他们挫败了一起恐怖分子企图使用自杀式炸弹背心的袭击。Ryan unknowingly foils an IRA assassination plot.瑞安无意中挫败了爱尔兰共和军的一个暗杀阴谋。Many people in the industry were very upset when the government broke the strike.政府挫败了罢工,行业内许多人士对此感到很烦恼。The defeat was just the reality check the team needed.这次挫败恰好可以让球队认清一下现实。The nation took out its frustrations on Congress.全国上下都把挫败之后的怒气倾泻在国会头上。Microsoft thwarted the attack by disconnecting the Web address from the Internet.微软公司切断了网址与因特网的连接,挫败了网络攻击。They were thwarted in their attempt to gain overall control of the company.他们想全面控制公司的企图遭到挫败We failed the enemy's attempt against our lines.我们挫败了敌人对我们防线的进攻。The government of Mauritania says it has foiled a coup attempt.毛里塔尼亚政府称挫败了一起政变。He took a bruising in the televised debate.他在电视辩论中被挫败She needed to find a vent for her frustration.她需要找个方式发泄挫败情绪。The team mocked the visitors' attempt to score.该队挫败了客队得分的企图。Suarez made a great run to beat the offside trap.苏亚雷斯通过出色的跑动挫败了对方的越位陷阱。They thwarted a plot to sneak their country into the war.他们挫败了一项暗中把他们的国家拖入战争的阴谋。They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy.他们作好准备挫败以这个阴谋。A massive arms-smuggling plan has been foiled by the CIA.一个大规模的军火走私计划被中央情报局挫败了。




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