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词汇 挫败感
例句 Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes.挫败感、愤怒和绝望引起了一系列自发性的罢工。The sense of let-down today is all the greater because in the past doctors have been over-confident about these treatments.医生们过去对这些疗法过度自信,导致今天的挫败感尤其强烈。He has tasted the frustration of defeat.他体会到了挫败感Criticizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure.批评指责只会破坏人际关系,并使人产生挫败感I felt empty and hollow; defeated.我感觉空虚无聊,充满挫败感I nearly went bonkers with frustration.挫败感让我几近疯狂。Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration.放开嗓子尖叫是发泄内心压抑的挫败感的一种好方法。Most of the divorced parents we interviewed said they had experienced guilt and a profound sense of failure.我们采访的大多数离了婚的家长都说他们感到内疚和强烈的挫败感Liberal MPs' frustrations boiled over yesterday.昨天,自由党议员们累积的挫败感终于爆发了。His rage and frustration expressed themselves as/in/through temper tantrums.他通过乱发脾气来发泄自己的怒气和挫败感I agree that we are accomplishing nothing at the moment, and I share your frustration.我同意我们目前什么也没做成,我与你一样有挫败感




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