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词汇 挫伤
例句 The experience failed to dent her confidence.这一经历没有挫伤她的自信心。Minor bruises can be treated at home.轻微的挫伤可以在家进行处理。He had a pinched nerve in his neck.他的脖子上有一条挫伤的神经。The experience had seriously eroded his confidence in himself.这次经历严重挫伤了他的自信心。He succeeded in undermining the morale of teachers and pupils alike.他成功挫伤了老师和学生的士气。Because he had a contusion to his arm, he was unable to play.因为他的手臂受到挫伤,所以他不能上场。The bill is intended to remove obstacles that may discourage investors.这项议案旨在清除可能会挫伤投资者积极性的障碍。His ankle is bruised and quite badly swollen.他的脚踝挫伤了,肿得很厉害。The failed coup caused a loss of morale within the army.政变未遂挫伤了军队的士气。Your ribs are bruised, but I don't feel any broken bones.你的肋骨挫伤了,但我没摸到断骨。After a while that sort of thing dents your confidence.那种事情过上一段时间就会挫伤信心。I didn't see the other contusion on the back of his head.我没有看到他脑后的另一处挫伤She suffered only minor cuts and bruises.她只是受了点儿轻微的割伤和挫伤He suffered a dislocated shoulder, cuts and bruises.他肩膀脱臼了,身上还有伤口和挫伤The team's confidence has been dented by a recent series of losses.最近一连串的失利挫伤了这个队的信心。Peter's comments completely deflated the boy's confidence.彼得的评论彻底挫伤了这个男孩的自信。I don't think it broke Steve's heart when Cherise left him, but it certainly bruised his ego.我想雪妮丝的离开并没有使史蒂夫为之心碎,但这的确挫伤了他的自尊心。Years in prison did not break Mr Mandela's spirit.多年的牢狱生涯并未挫伤曼德拉先生的锐气。The rifle recoiled and bruised my shoulder.这支步枪的后坐力挫伤了我的肩膀。My left arm is badly bruised and I was slightly concussed.我的左胳膊严重挫伤,还有点轻微脑震荡。The incident had bruised his pride.这件事挫伤了他的自尊心。The right side of my brain had been so severely bruised that I was comatose for a month.我右脑严重挫伤,昏迷了一个月。The doctor felt for any possible fractures in the patient's bruised ribs.医生用手摸病人挫伤的肋骨,来判断是否有可能骨折。Failures punctured his confidence.失败挫伤了他的信心。




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