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词汇 swearing
例句 He was flung out of school for swearing at a teacher.他因为辱骂老师被逐出学校。I am given to understand that he was swearing throughout the game at our fans.我得知整场比赛中他一直冲着我方球迷骂个不停。My dad told me off for swearing.我爸爸因为我说脏话而训斥我。The witness said he understood that he was swearing to give true and correct information.证人说他明白他是在发誓要提供真实无误的资料。He was in a right tizzy, muttering and swearing.他心情非常烦乱,嘴里咕咕哝哝地咒骂着。After swearing off alcohol, he was wrenched by uncontrollable shaking.他发誓戒酒之后因无法控制的颤抖而感到痛苦。Mrs Green really came down on him for swearing.格林太太因他骂脏话而狠狠惩罚了他。She had a good seat at the president's swearing-in ceremony.在总统宣誓就职的典礼上,她有一个位置很好的座位。He can hardly utter a sentence without swearing.他一开口就是脏话。He was extremely drunk and swearing like a trooper.他喝得酩酊大醉,嘴里骂个不停。They scrupulously avoid swearing.他们非常小心地避免说脏话。You should have seen the look of shock on her face when he started swearing!你真应该看看他开始用粗话骂人时,她脸上那又惊又气的表情!He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen.他突然大哭起来,求她原谅,并发誓偿还他偷的所有东西。We could hear him cursing and swearing as he tried to get the door open.我们听到他一边努力想把门打开一边骂骂咧咧。What is the woman swearing at?那女人在咒骂什么? Children learn swearing from copying their parents and siblings.小孩子模仿父母和兄弟姐妹学会粗话。The film's director breaks up the swearing and snogging with sly, sidelong observations about the condition of the country.影片导演在一个儿女情长的故事里间接而隐晦地穿插了他对国家局势的看法。I could hear him yelling and swearing.我能听见他在喊叫、咒骂。His father whupped him for swearing.他父亲因为他说脏话把他揍了一顿。He reported the boy to the headmaster for swearing at a teacher.他向校长告那男生骂教师。There was a lot of shouting, swearing, and general rowdiness.许多人喊着、骂着,一片混乱。He just snapped and started swearing at everybody.他情绪失控,开始见谁骂谁。She was absolutely mortified to hear her son swearing at the teacher.听到儿子骂老师,她简直窘死了。He's always cursing and swearing, and it upsets the people who have to work with him.他总是骂骂咧咧的,这让那些不得不与他共事的人感到郁闷。One passenger was warned for swearing at a member of the aircrew.一名乘客曾因辱骂一位机组人员而受到警告。Constant swearing cheapened him.经常骂人使他被人看不起。It was great to see a movie that didn't rely on swearing for its dialogue.能看到一部对白中没有骂人话的电影真不错。Lay off the swearing, if you don't mind.我求求你不要再咒骂了,好不好。He was cautioned for swearing.他因骂人受到警告。




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