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词汇 迫害
例句 They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas.他们迫害那些不信奉他们思想的人。Many Jews fled to America to escape persecution in Europe.许多犹太人为了免遭迫害,从欧洲逃到美国。Katya asked the United States to protect her from persecution in her home country.卡泰亚请求美国保护不受本国的迫害Many of our friends’ lives have been shattered by intolerance, persecution and torture.我们许多朋友的生活被不容异说、迫害和虐待毁了。They were victimized because of their religion.他们因为宗教信仰而遭到迫害During the McCarthy era, hundreds of innocent US citizens were persecuted for their beliefs.在麦卡锡年代,数以百计的无辜美国公民因信仰遭到了迫害The men claim they have been victimized because of their political activity.那些男子声称他们因为自己的政治活动受到了迫害She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision.她一个个地除掉了她的迫害对象,手法冷酷,计划精到。They have denied persecuting or killing political dissidents.他们不承认迫害或杀害了持不同政见的人。The country's leaders relentlessly persecuted those who fought against the regime.这个国家的领导人无情地迫害反政府人士。Left-wing opposition leaders, in flight from persecution, went across the border.左翼反对党领导人为了逃避迫害逃往境外。He may face persecution if he returns to his homeland.如果回到祖国,他可能会遭到迫害He claimed he'd been victimized by the police.他声称受到了警方的迫害He himself had suffered many persecutions and had faced death more than once.他自己遭受过多次迫害,而且不止一次面临死亡的威胁。Many refugees risk death or arrest in their attempts to flee persecution.许多难民冒着死亡或被捕的危险设法逃脱迫害The Pilgrims came to America because of intolerance and persecution.英国清教徒由于不满宗教的不容异说和迫害而来到美洲。There must be no victimization of workers.决不能迫害工人。The Puritans left England to escape being persecuted.清教徒离开了英格兰以躲避迫害Countries all over Europe have persecuted gypsies for centuries.许多世纪以来,全欧洲的国家一直迫害吉卜赛人。The imposition of martial law will only increase violence and repression.强制实行军事管制只会增加暴力和迫害In those days, Christians were persecuted by the government.那时候,基督徒们遭到了政府的迫害We had to leave the country to escape persecution.我们不得不离开这个国家以躲避迫害These writers knew that unless they practised a form of self-censorship, the authorities would persecute them.这些作家知道,除非他们采取一种自我约束,否则当局会迫害他们。He was constantly persecuted by his implacable enemies.他一再遭到死敌的迫害The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecuting the dissenter.尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论,在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的。The heretic met with severe persecution.那个异教徒遭到残酷迫害Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.这些教派的教徒们遭到了残酷的迫害和镇压。Mr Weaver and his family have been persecuted by the authorities for their beliefs.韦弗先生及家人因其信仰而遭到了当局的迫害He feared persecution by the military.他害怕遭到军方的迫害Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.抗议者被处决、监禁或受到其他方式的迫害The company says she was not dismissed because of her political activities but she claims she was victimized.公司说并不是因为她的政治活动而解雇她,而她却称自己受到了迫害




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