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The pilot was forced to land when one of the plane's engines caught fire.飞机的一只引擎着火后,飞行员不得不进行迫降。The pilot executed an emergency landing.飞行员完成了一次紧急迫降。The captain was forced to jettison the cargo and make an emergency landing.机长被迫投弃机上的货物并紧急迫降。The pilot had to make a crash landing.飞行员不得不紧急迫降。Engine trouble forced the pilot to ditch.引擎故障使得飞行员实施海上迫降。The plane's engine sputtered and gave out, forcing an emergency landing.飞机的发动机一阵噼啪作响后就停了,不得不紧急迫降。You can land a plane on water in an emergency.紧急情况下飞机可以迫降在水上。A survivor was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched.在直升机紧急迫降时,一名幸存者被撞昏过去。They jettisoned the fuel and made an emergency landing.他们投弃燃料并紧急迫降。The terrorists assumed control of the plane and forced it to land in the desert.恐怖分子控制了飞机,并使其迫降在沙漠中。The plane had engine problems and had to make a forced landing in a field. 飞机引擎出现故障,不得不迫降在一片农田里。The pilot ditched at sea.驾驶员在海上迫降。One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf.一个美国飞行员被迫将其喷气机迫降在波斯湾。He made a forced landing on a highway.他迫降在了公路上。The plane's engine failed, forcing an emergency landing.飞机引擎失灵,被紧急迫降。The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing.机组人员抛掉多余燃料紧急迫降。The pilot crash-landed in the field.飞行员在野外迫降。The jet crash-landed and burst into flames.喷气机紧急迫降后突然燃起了大火。 |