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例句 She has helped me in ways too numerous to mention. 她给过我很多帮助,无法一一述说He held me close to him, murmuring endearments.他抱紧了我,喃喃述说著爱意。He went into a recitation of his life from the earliest years.他从他的早年生活开始,逐一述说他的经历。He could see the strain in her face as she told him what she was going through.在她向他述说自己所经历的事情时,他看到她一脸紧张。He listened while people relayed stories of local corruption.人们辗转述说当地贪赃枉法的事情,他只是听着。He went on and on about the iniquities of bourgeois oppression.他没完没了地述说资产阶级压迫的罪恶。One woman cried as she told of the horror of seeing workmates killed in the lift.一位妇女哭着述说自己看到同事在电梯里被害时的恐怖情景。Patients who often complain of minor ailments might have something more important on their minds.经常述说患有各种小病痛的人可能在为某种更严重的病而担忧。




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