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词汇 Surgeons
例句 Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.外科医生在膝盖骨上套了个金属箍以帮助其愈合。Surgeons have had to remove portions of his stomach and intestine.外科医生必须切除他的一部分胃和肠。Surgeons use a laser with a beam measuring less than the width of a human hair.外科医生使用一种激光器,其光束的宽度还不及人的头发。Surgeons at Odstock Hospital, Wilts, sewed the thumb on.威尔特郡奥德斯多克医院的外科医生将大拇指缝合上了。Surgeons are trying to remove a bullet lodged near his spine.外科医生正试图将他脊骨附近的子弹取出。Surgeons were unable to control the loss of blood in the victim.外科医生无法为那名受害者止住血。Surgeons managed to stitch his finger back on.外科医生想办法把他的断指缝合成原状。Surgeons successfully implanted an artificial hip.外科医生成功地植入了一个人工胯关节。Surgeons thought it right to treat breast cancer by an excision of all the breast and muscular tissue of the chest wall.外科医生认为治愈乳腺癌的正确方法是切除整个乳房及胸壁的肌肉组织。Surgeons siphoned off fluid from his left lung.外科医生抽出了他左肺中的积液。Surgeons can inject Botox into the armpit to deaden nerves that control sweating.外科医生可以通过向腋下注入肉毒素的方法来麻痹神经,从而达到抑制排汗的效果。Surgeons inserted a metal plate in the arm and grafted around it some small pieces of bone taken from the hip.外科医生将一块金属板嵌入手臂,然后在其周围移植了一些从髋部取下的小块骨头。Surgeons performed an emergency operation.外科医生做了一个急诊手术。Surgeons were able to sew the severed finger back on.外科医生把断手指重新缝上。Surgeons operated to remove the lump.外科医生动手术摘除肿块。Surgeons will realign the bones.外科医生将重新矫正骨头。Surgeons completely rebuilt the rugby player's knee.外科医生彻底修复了这位橄榄球运动员的膝盖。Surgeons removed her right leg above the knee.外科医生截去了她右腿膝盖及以下部分。Surgeons at the hospital sewed the thumb on.医院的外科医生将大拇指缝合上了。Surgeons performed two operations on him yesterday.昨天医生为他做了两个手术。Surgeons had to operate to remove the bullet.外科医生不得不动手术取出子弹。Surgeons are hopeful of saving her.外科医生们认为救活她的希望很大。Surgeons found an angioma in his brain.外科医生在他脑部发现了血管瘤。Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.外科医生们在做手术前开始用肥皂和水清洗双手和胳膊。Surgeons were hopeful of saving the sight in Sara's left eye.外科医生有信心保住萨拉左眼的视力。She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.她是皇家外科医生学会会员。Surgeons managed to sew the finger back on.外科医生成功地把手指接回去了。Surgeons covered the wound in his skull with a metal plate.外科医生用一块金属片把他头骨上的伤口盖住。Surgeons saved a man's arm after it was hacked off at the elbow.一位男子的手臂从肘部被砍下,经外科医生实施手术后得以保住了手臂。




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