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Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.有时她会走不同的路线,以调剂每天走同一条路带来的单调感。Just one day of sunshine would be a welcome relief from the rainy weather we've been having lately.近来一直阴雨连绵,哪怕只有一天的阳光都会是令人期待的调剂。His latest book is a long, serious novel relieved only by the occasional joke.他的最新作品是一部严肃的长篇小说,当中只是偶尔有个笑话作为调剂。A comic scene follows by way of relief.随后便是一个作为调剂的喜剧场面。Perhaps what she really needs is a bit of light relief.也许,她真正需要的是一点轻松的调剂。In Shakespeare's Henry IV, the character of Falstaff provides us with a little comic relief.在莎士比亚的剧本《亨利四世》中,福斯塔夫这一角色为我们提供了一点喜剧性调剂。Our brief trip to the beach was a much-needed oasis in a summer of hard work.在工作繁忙的炎炎夏日,短暂的海滩之行是我们迫切需要的放松调剂。The scene provided some comic relief for the audience.这一喜剧场面让观众得到一些调剂。His character provides a little comic relief in what is otherwise a very serious and dramatic movie.他的角色给原本一部非常严肃和激动人心的电影增添了一点喜剧元素作为调剂。Let's see a light film for a change.咱们看部轻松的影片调剂一下。The comical characters are brought into the story for a little light relief.在故事中添加这些滑稽角色是为了起一点儿轻松调剂的作用。To children on vacation from cities, the rugged environment presents exciting alternatives.对于从大城市来度假的儿童说来,这种艰苦的环境提供了令人兴奋的调剂。We need to spice up our relationship.我们需要调剂一下我们的关系。I thought I'd slip in a few jokes to lighten up the talk.我本想在讲话中加几个笑话来调剂一下气氛。The party would make a pleasant diversion in his rather dull social life.这个聚会可以非常好地调剂一下他相当沉闷的社交生活。We play cards to relieve our tedium.我们玩纸牌作为调剂。Shakespeare put funny scenes into his serious plays to provide a little light relief.莎士比亚在他的严肃正剧中穿插诙谐场面,以使观众得到一点轻松的调剂。It's a relief to get out of the office once in a while.偶尔走出办公室去透透气也是一种调剂。 |