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例句 She is supported by left-wingers in the party.她得到党内左翼势力的支持。He supported himself by means of a nearby post.他靠在旁边的柱子上。He is supported by the great majority of voters. 绝大多数选民都支持他。The decision was supported by almost everyone. Baldwin was the only one to dissent.这决定得到几乎每个人的支持,只有鲍德温一人反对。The arched roof is supported by one umbilical pillar.拱形屋顶由一根中心柱子所支撑。I've supported Liverpool all my life.我一辈子都在支持利物浦队。The study is supported by the American Medical Association.这项研究得到了美国医学协会的支持。He has supported the party loyally for over twenty years.二十多年来他一直对党忠心不二。The ceiling is supported by imitation marble columns.天花板是用人造大理石柱支撑的。She supported herself on my arm as we walked together.我们一起走时,她倚在我胳膊上。The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along.总统在发表讲话前说他一直以来都支持发放失业津贴。She said that she was greatly indebted to everyone who had supported her campaign.她说她深深地感谢每一位支持她竞选的人。He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.他预计将在会上获得包括丹尼斯·斯金纳和托尼·本在内的很多人的支持。He claims that he supported the bill, but in fact he voted against it. 他声称支持这项议案,但事实上他投了反对票。The roof is supported by stone columns.屋顶由石柱支撑。The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties.这个运动受到三大政党关键人物的支持。The policy is supported by right-wingers within the party.这项政策得到党内右翼成员的支持。The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.当地政党支持她作为候选人竞选主席职位。Deep down, she supported her husband's involvement in the organization.在心底里,她支持丈夫参加这个组织。The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.这项法案得到参议院绝大多数人的支持。The government supported Burnell to keep his diehard supporters happy.政府支持伯内尔,以取悦他的顽固支持者。His claim is not supported by any evidence.他的说法毫无证据支持。Party members appeared on television to repudiate policies they had formerly supported.党员们在电视里声明拒绝接受他们从前拥护的政策。He supported the engagement of Giulini.他支持聘请朱利尼。I can't believe that someone I had helped and supported would steal from me. It's a real stab in the back.我无法相信我曾经帮助支持过的人会偷我的东西。这真是背后捅刀啊。The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.这个家庭由于融入更广阔的社会关系网而得到帮助。Despite her doubts, she supported the new legislation out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to the leadership.尽管心存疑虑,但出于对领导的愚忠,她还是支持这个新的法规。The United Nations has supported efforts to return the refugees peacefully.为有秩序地遣返难民所做的努力得到了联合国的支持。The group is actively supported by the administration.这个团体得到了政府的积极支持。His conclusions are not supported by data; they are based only on anecdotal evidence. 他的结论缺乏数据支持,只是依据一些传闻。His alibi is supported by his neighbors.邻居们为他提供了不在场的证明。Their claims are not supported by the evidence.他们的索赔没有事实依据。The young man's claim that he had been set up by the police was eventually supported by several witnesses.那年轻人说他被警察诬陷,他的说法最终得到了几个证人的支持。The US government supported sanctions but stopped short of military action.美国政府支持制裁,但决定不采取军事行动。Not surprisingly, they supported their co-religionists.他们支持他们的教友,这不足为奇。Special thanks to all of you who supported our fund-raising campaign.特别感谢大家对我们筹款活动的支持。The Texan singer will be supported by two other bands, as yet unannounced.这位得克萨斯歌手将由另外两支乐队伴奏,但还没公布是哪两支乐队。She supported the return of capital punishment for particularly horrible thuggery.她赞成对特别骇人听闻的凶杀罪恢复死刑。The roof is supported by a central column.屋顶由一根中心柱支撑着。




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