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词汇 a group
例句 The children will first sing individually and then as a group.孩子们将首先独唱,然后再一起合唱。An army patrol encountered a group of uniformed men.一支陆军侦察队与一伙身穿制服的男子发生交火。She rapped out a group of ancient writers' names without a break.她一口气说出了一大串古代作家的名字。The house fell into disrepair but a group of preservationists have reconstructed the roofs.这座房子年久失修,但一群古建筑保护者已翻盖了房顶。Fred was in the middle of a group of girls, and was obviously lapping it up.弗雷德被一群女孩团团围住,他显然乐在其中。The car went out of control and ploughed into a group of people on the sidewalk.车子突然失控,撞向人行道上的人群。Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour.在很短的一段时间内,一群完全籍籍无名之辈创立了一种全新的幽默形式。I came across a group of children playing.我碰到一群正在玩耍的小孩。He was associated with a group of radicals in the government.他结交了政府里的一群激进分子。The film chronicles the everyday doings of a group of London schoolchildren.电影记载了一群伦敦小学生的日常活动。There was a group of kids playing football in the street.有一群小孩在街上踢足球。It's an idea which has been followed up by a group of researchers.这个理念一群研究者一直在锲而不舍地钻研。We never really gelled as a group.我们从未真正凝聚成一个集体。Investors moved in on a group of car enthusiasts and took over the market.投资者插手进来,从一群汽车爱好者手中抢走了市场。MPs as a group are held in low esteem by the public.下院议员在公众当中普遍口碑很差。She fell in with a group of troublemakers.她结交了一帮捣蛋鬼。The company fielded a group of experts to take part in the conference.公司组建了一个专家团去参加会议。We passed a group of students outside the theatre.我们在戏院外从一群学生身旁经过。Several people formed a group round the speaker.几个人围拢在演讲者周围。Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland.在那些不远万里赶来参加节日活动的人中有一群来自北爱尔兰。Wendy Rigby was recently invited to lecture a group of doctors on the benefits of aromatherapy.温迪·里格比最近应邀给一帮医生讲芳香疗法的疗效。We have a group of Germans staying at the hotel.我们宾馆住了一群德国人。The demonstration turned ugly when a group of protesters started to throw bottles at the police.一群示威者开始向警察投掷瓶子,示威游行于是演变成了暴力事件。She belongs to a group of people, all of whom bear the name of a natural object.她参加了一个团体,里面每个成员的称呼都是一种自然物的名字。The speaker was heckled by a group of protestors.发言人遭到一群抗议者的请难。I saw him standing among a group of students.我看到他站在一群学生中间。As a group, females performed better on the test than males.作为一个小组,女性在这次测试中的表现胜过男性。After speaking to a group of her most trusted advisers, she turned her anger into action.在与最亲信的顾问团谈过以后,她将愤怒付诸行动。Alcoholics Anonymous is a group which supports people who are trying to stop drinking too much alcohol.匿名戒酒会是一个帮助人们停止酗酒的机构。The fight was started by a group of English football fans.这次打架是一群英格兰足球迷先挑起的。He flew the prototype to West Raynham to demonstrate it to a group of senior officers.他将原型空运到西雷纳姆,向一批高级军官作演示。She didn't mind seeing him in a group but an intimate dinner in a restaurant was another matter altogether.跟大家在一起时见见他,她并不介意,但是在饭店里亲密进餐就另当别论了。Inside the organization, there would be a task of turning a one-man show into a group operation.在该组织内部,将有一个把个人独断改变为集体领导的任务。The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.那个有争议的实验涉及对一群儿童的秘密拍摄。He ganged up with a group of unruly youths.他和一群目无法纪的青年结成团伙。Goldfish were swimming lazily in a group just under the surface.金鱼聚在一起贴着水面懒洋洋地游着。They work as a group - no one person is allowed to dominate.他们以团队的形式工作——不允许其中任何人独揽大权。It'll be easier if we go there as a group.如果我们组团去就少费些事。I realized I was being subjected to intense scrutiny by a group of children.我意识到自己正受到一帮孩子的严密监视。At the head of the procession a group of dark-suited men bore the coffin into the church.几个身穿黑衣的男子走在队列的前头把棺材抬进教堂。




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