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词汇 a hand
例句 I can't get up. Give me a hand, will you?我站不起来了,拉我一把好吗?I gave her a hand packing up her clothes and stuff.我帮她打点衣物用品。He felt a hand hit him over his head.他感到有只手拍了一下他的头。He took up a hand mike, whoofed into it experimentally.他拿起一个手提式话筒, 呼哧呼哧地向内送气试验音响效果。The waiter flicked away the bee with a hand towel.服务生用手巾拍打赶走了蜜蜂。She clasped a hand over her open mouth.她用手紧紧地捂着张开的嘴巴。He is a member of one of the extremist groups that may have had a hand in the murder.他是某个极端主义分子组织的成员,该组织可能参与了此次谋杀行动。Clive ran a hand through his hair.克莱夫用手顺了一下头发。He thanked all who had a hand in his release.他向所有帮助自己获得释放的人表示感谢。He cupped a hand behind one ear to hear better.他窝起一只手掌挡在耳后以便听得更清楚些。He saw a hand sticking up through the snow.他看见雪里有一只手伸出来。He paused with a hand on the doorknob.他一只手握住门把手,停了下来。He rubbed a hand across his forehead as though he were tired.他用手揉了一下额头,好像很疲惫。Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall.他的下台几名同事都插了一手。Could you give me a hand moving those boxes?你帮我搬一下那些箱子好吗?Police came from other areas to lend a hand.警察从其他地区赶来援助。Do you need a hand with those invoices?你需要人帮你整理这些发票吗?Can you give/lend me a hand with this suitcase?你能帮我拿一下这个手提箱吗?Hey, brother, let me give you a hand.嘿,伙计,让我帮你一把吧。A rioter looped a hand grenade into the building.一名暴徒将手榴弹滴溜溜扔进大楼。I clapped a hand over her mouth.我用一只手迅速地捂住她的嘴。The child put out a hand and stroked the cat softly.孩子伸出手轻轻地抚摩猫。He ran a hand through his hair with a careless gesture.他随手理了理头发。He raised a hand to still them.他举起手要他们安静下来。Lend me a hand to shift this piano, will you?请帮我搬一下这架钢琴,行吗? Colle's fracture often occurs when someone falls with a hand outstretched.科利斯骨折通常发生在跌倒时一只手伸出的情形下。She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out.她把手伸进糖果罐,摸出了一颗糖。He ran a hand back through his ruffled hair.他把一只手伸进乱发里向后梳。He ran a hand through his mop of fair hair.他用手拢了拢他那浓密的金发。She slid a hand under his elbow to guide him.她悄悄地把手挽到他的胳膊肘下领着他。I could use a hand with this if you have a minute.你有空的话,我需要有人来帮我一下这个。I felt a hand on my shoulder and swung round quickly to find Chris standing behind me.我觉得有一只手搭在我的肩上,便立即转过身来,发现克里斯正站在我身后。She had a hand in designing the new highway.她参与了这条新公路的设计。I reached out a hand to steady myself against the house while I got my breath back.我伸出一只手抵住墙壁撑着身子,让自己喘口气。He would always give a hand to anyone in difficulty.他总是给任何有困难的人提供帮助。The old lady slipped a hand over the heart.老太太伸手抚摩胸口。Would you give me a hand shovelling the snow away from the garage door?你能帮我把车库门前的雪铲走吗?He would often gamble hundreds of dollars on a hand of poker.他经常会对一手牌下注数百美元。If you get stuck, Denise is always willing to lend a hand.如果你有困难,丹妮丝总是乐于帮忙。We gave Jill a hand to clean up the mess.我们帮助吉尔清理烂摊子。




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