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词汇 subtitles
例句 More programmes these days have subtitles for the deaf.现在有更多的节目提供字幕给耳聋的人看。The Chinese movie was shown with English subtitles.这部中国电影放映时配了英文字幕。Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.多数当地影院放映配有德语字幕的原版电影。The original Japanese soundtrack is included with English subtitles.日文的原声带配有英文字幕。The evening news has subtitles for the deaf.晚间新闻为聋哑人士配了字幕。Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf.许多电视节目播出时都打上给失聪人士看的字幕。The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles.对话是西班牙语,配有英语字幕。The library provides films with subtitles for the hard of hearing.图书馆为有听力障碍的人提供有字幕的电影。The film is in Chinese with English subtitles.这是部带英文字幕的中文影片。The film is presented in French with optional English subtitles.影片对白为法语,但有可选的英语字幕。




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