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词汇 游历
例句 He travelled all over the world, but decided to send his son to school in England.游历了世界各地,但还是决定送儿子去英格兰上学。His peregrinations took him to India.游历到了印度。He travels to improve his mind.他常外出游历以增长见识。We visited the Yangtse Gorges last summer.去年夏天我们游历了长江三峡。Thesiger was a great traveller, especially in Arabia and Africa.塞西杰是个大旅行家,尤其喜欢游历阿拉伯国家和非洲。I'm too old to go traipsing around Europe.我年纪太大了,不能游历欧洲了。She was a sophisticated and well-traveled woman.她是个博学多识、游历广泛的女人。Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and always coming home with hair-raising stories.珍妮有过许多冒险经历。她游历世界各地,总是把惊险故事带回家。Travel had not mellowed him appreciably.游历并未使他明显成熟。Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.福克斯正在插入一大段题外话,讲他在该国边境游历的故事。He claimed to be a journalist, and he got around.他自称是一名记者,经常四处游历Ernest roamed Europe as a roving reporter for the Toronto Star.欧内斯特作为《多伦多星报》的巡回记者在欧洲各地游历They travel a fair amount.他们游历甚广。He is a much traveled writer.他是一位游历各地见多识广的作家。Marsha told us all about her travels.玛莎把她的游历全都告诉了我们。It's a wonderful way of getting to see Italy, and it needn't cost very much.这是游历意大利的好办法,也不需要花很多钱。His travels in foreign lands provided him with the inspiration for many of his poems and songs.他在外国的游历为他提供了许多诗与歌曲的灵感。We're touring round Japan for our holidays this year.今年假期我们打算游历日本各地。She's travelled in just about every country in Europe.欧洲各国她几乎全都游历过了。I've heard that she sometimes travels around the country in disguise.我听说她有时会乔装改扮在国内游历Many treasures were brought back to Britain because its upper crust was wealthy and liked travelling abroad.大量财宝被带回英国,因为那里的上层社会成员很富有并且喜欢在外国游历My neighbours across the street travel a fair amount.我街对面的邻居游历甚广。I want to see life, to travel the world, and write about what I see.我想去体验生活,游历世界,然后把所见所闻写下来。I've travelled a good bit.游历过很多地方。Maynard spent a year travelling through Europe and Asia, giving lectures.梅纳德花了一年的时间在欧洲和亚洲游历讲学。It was week five of my tour of the major cities of Europe.那是我在欧洲主要城市游历的第五周。They have both travelled widely.他们俩都游历过很多地方。She inherited the urge to travel from her mother.她继承了母亲爱四处游历的天性。He has travelled extensively in China.游历了中国的很多地方。They had been travelling over the dry desert terrain for five days.他们在干旱的沙漠地带游历了五天。She has travelled the length and breadth of Britain.游历了英国各地。He's travelled extensively.游历广泛。He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.他在中国游历颇广,记录下了生活的方方面面。His travels took him to Dublin, among other places.游历过很多地方,其中包括都柏林。She was a capable, responsible, well-travelled woman.她是一位有能力、有责任心、游历甚广的女士。We listened with bated breath to Grandma's stories of her travels.我们屏住呼吸听祖母讲述她的游历故事。He toured South Africa organizing revival meetings.游历南非,组织奋兴布道会。Because we travelled so much, Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf.由于我们经常游历在外,我和萨姆便请了一位经纪人代表我们处理事务。After many years of travelling around, we're now enjoying a more settled life.多年游历之后,我们现在享受着一种较为稳定的生活。James interrupted his studies to travel around Europe for a year.詹姆斯暂时停止了学业,在欧洲游历一年。




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