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词汇 游击手
例句 The shortstop fielded the ball on the second hop.球第二次弹起时被游击手接住了。The ball looped over the shortstop's head into left field for a single.球呈弧线飞过游击手的头顶到达左外野,形成一垒安打。The shortstop made a great play to end the inning.游击手以一记漂亮的触杀结束了这局比赛。The shortstop backhanded the ball and threw to first for the out.游击手反手接球将球投向一垒使对方球员出局。The shortstop snared a high throw from the outfield.游击手跃身而起,接住了外场过来的高抛球。The batter hit a screamer right at the shortstop.击球手迅速将球击向游击手The shortstop played the ball perfectly.游击手漂亮地接住了球。The shortstop made a honey of a play. 那名游击手发挥得非常出色。The throw from the shortstop was poorly/badly aimed.游击手的那,记投球没有命中。The shortstop is the spark plug of our baseball team.游击手是我们棒球队的中坚。The shortstop scooped the ball up and threw it to first base.游击手一把捡起球投向一垒。He hit a hard/soft line drive to the shortstop.他朝游击手打出一记有力的/无力的平直球。The batter reached base on an error by the shortstop.游击手失误,击球手趁机上垒。She hit the ball right to the shortstop.她把球正好打在游击手的位置上。The shortstop fielded the ground ball.游击手接到了那个滚地球。He hit a high pop-up that was caught by the shortstop.他击出一个高高的小腾空球,被游击手接住了。The shortstop went two for four in yesterday's game. 在昨天的比赛中,这名游击手出场击球四次命中两次。The shortstop gunned the ball to first base.游击手猛地将球投到了一垒。The shortstop misplayed the grounder. 游击手没接住滚地球。The shortstop whipped the ball to first base.游击手将球急传回一垒。He grounded to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。The shortstop fielded the grounder and threw to first base for the putout.游击手截住地滚球后传给一垒以将对手杀出局。The shortstop made a tough catch.游击手接住了一个很有难度的球。The shortstop is the best player on the team, and the catcher is the next best player.这个棒球队里最出色的球员是游击手,其次是接球手。He hit a grounder to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。The shortstop was charged with an error.那位游击手被记一次失误。He hit a sharp ground ball into the hole. 他打了个滚地球到游击手和第三垒手之间。The shortstop made a nice backhand catch on a line drive.游击手一个漂亮的反手,接了一个平直球The ball sailed over the shortstop's head.球从游击手头顶掠过。The batter hit a bouncer to the shortstop.击球手把弹起的球击向游击手The shortstop rifled a throw to second base for the out.游击手用力把球投向二垒以封杀对方出局。The shortstop was positioned well to make the play.游击手被安排在接球的有利位置。The shortstop was covering second base.游击手正跑向二垒补接球。He hit a hard line drive past the shortstop.他猛力击出一个平直球,越过了游击手He grounded out to the shortstop.他向游击手击出滚地球而出局。The batter hit a screaming line drive right at the shortstop.击球手快速有力地朝游击手方向击出了一记平直球。He lined out to the shortstop. 他击出的平直球被游击手接住而出局。The shortstop mishandled the throw.游击手没把球接好。She used to be a shortstop but now she plays center field.她曾经是一名游击手,但现在她打中外场。The ball popped loose from the shortstop's glove.球从游击手的手套上滑脱。




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