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词汇 struggle
例句 Lost and so far from other human life, he faced a desperate struggle to stay alive.他迷了路并且远离其他人,要活下去需要作拼死的抗争。She was in the vanguard of the struggle against sex discrimination.她是与性别歧视作斗争的先锋。The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.随后关于精神挣扎的叙述有一种令人心生卑微之感的神奇力量。With a front-heavy car, it's a struggle to take a corner.驾驶一辆重量集中在头部的汽车拐弯,可费劲了。Former soldiers often struggle to readjust to life outside the army.退伍军人适应部队以外的生活往往很艰难。The coup soured into a protractsoured power struggle.政变后形势恶化,发生了持续的权力之争。They witnessed a violent struggle between police and protesters.他们目睹了警方和抗议者之间的暴力冲突。He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.他称赞了她在反种族隔离制的斗争中发挥的重要作用。Nkrumah led the people in their struggle for independence.恩克鲁玛领导人民为独立而斗争。He banded all his resources together against the coming struggle.他凑集所有的资源以应付即将来临的斗争。She will have a struggle to secure the government's aid.要得到政府的资助,她得好好努力一番。We will continue our struggle until our country is free.我们将继续奋斗直到祖国获得自由。After years of struggle, it came as no surprise that the company went bankrupt.公司挣扎了多年后终于破产,人们并不感到意外。The party is locked in an internal struggle.该党陷入了一场内讧。There's nothing ill-defined about the policy on workers' struggle.在有关工人斗争的方针方面没有什么含糊之处。The school has a struggle to balance its budget.这所学校得费点儿周折才能达到预算平衡。We are engaged in a never-ending struggle against poverty.我们在从事一场无休止的消除贫困的斗争。While I struggle through life, she lands on her feet.在我挣扎过活的时候,她却运气亨通。Foreign languages were always a struggle for him.外语对他来说一直是件费力事儿。The church was prominently involved in the struggle that toppled the dictatorship.教会在推翻独裁政权的斗争中起了重要的作用。The ambassador was being used as a pawn in the struggle between the two superpowers.这位大使在两个超级大国的争斗中被用成一颗棋子。Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.达尔文认为生存竞争是进化的主要推动力。He has agreed to struggle on, even though he was hoping to retire.他已答应再尽量工作下去,尽管他希望退休。Broadman's face looked as though some vast internal struggle was going on.布罗德曼的脸看起来似乎在他内心正在进行着激烈的思想斗争。People struggle to get the best piece of land.人们竞相争夺最好的土地。Why should I struggle on to please my parents?.为什么我要强装笑颜取悦我的父母?I call on everyone to renounce the use of violence and armed struggle.我呼吁每个人都放弃使用暴力和武装斗争。I reached for tab and he let me, without a perfunctory struggle.我伸手去接账单,他就让我付,居然也不敷衍地争抢一下。It was a struggle to get our ideas across.费了很大力气才算讲明白了我们的想法。It is only a hobby, not a life or death struggle.这只是一项爱好,不需要拼死拼活地努力。Many people struggle to maintain the delicate balance between work and family.许多人尽力保持工作与家庭之间微妙的平衡。Neither appears to have profited in the public eye from the struggle.在公众眼里,双方都没有从这场争斗中捞到什么好处。 After years of financial struggle the company pulled through.在财务困境中挣扎多年以后,公司挺了过来。There was a moment's struggle and the gun fell to ground.争夺了一会,枪掉到了地上。He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain.来英国不到两个月,他就在一次与狱警的打斗中丧命了。We must continue the struggle for justice and against injustice.我们必须继续坚持正义,反对非正义。He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power.他在一场残酷的权力争斗中将对手一一铲除。It's been a struggle paying off all our debts, but I think at last we're getting there.要把所有的债都还清是件费劲的事,但我想我们终于要成功了。Without struggle there can be no progress, and struggle presupposes winners and losers.没有斗争就没有进步,有斗争就必有胜负。We should support them as they struggle to build a democratic society.我们应支持他们为建设民主社会而奋斗。




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