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词汇 讲座
例句 Her lecture ranged over a number of topics.她的讲座涉及了好几个话题。He will be devoting more time to writing, broadcasting and lecturing.他将把更多时间用于写作、广播和作讲座Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures.小组指导课用于讨论讲座中出现的问题。The course includes formal lectures.这门课程包括正式的讲座The lecture will trace the depiction of horses from earliest times to the present day.这个讲座将探究从古至今的画马艺术。Dr Hebden will be giving a lecture later this week on the role of women in the economy.赫布登博士本周稍后将就妇女在经济中的角色举行讲座Other students followed her lead and boycotted lectures.其他学生仿效她抵制讲座I'd given the talk so many times I had it off pat.这个讲座我讲的次数太多了,都烂熟于心了。This is a two-year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.这个为期两年的课程是通过讲座和研讨课的形式授课的。All the lectures follow the same basic format.所有的讲座都沿袭同一基本形式。The discussion sessions are supposed to follow on from this morning's lecture.讨论课应该是对今天早上这个讲座的继续。He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.那些讲座太无聊了,他不去听了。The seminar is a review of the writer's career.这个讲座是对这位作家创作生涯的综述。By the end of the lecture the back of my book was covered in little doodles.讲座结束时,我的书背面全是一块块涂涂画画。I found his lecture completely inaccessible.我发觉他的讲座完全听不懂。His lecture seemed like nothing but gibberish. 他的讲座好像全是胡扯。The lecture continued for another hour after we left.我们离开之后,讲座又持续了一个小时。The lecture wasn't very meaty.讲座内容不是很丰富。I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures and tutorials.我通过一系列传统的讲座和指导教授心理学。He was much in demand as a lecturer in the US.他的讲座在美国很受欢迎。The archive covers the author's entire literary and professional life, from her earliest juvenilia to her final lectures and articles.档案材料覆盖了作者的整个创作生涯,从她早期的少年时代作品到最后的讲座和文章等。She's planning to give/deliver a series of lectures on modern art.她打算开设一系列有关现代艺术的讲座A question-and-answer session will be held after the lecture.讲座结束后是问答时间。There was wild speculation among the students as to the reason for postponing the lecture.关于推迟讲座的原因,学生中间有一些胡乱的猜测。She found reassurance in the high attendance at her lectures.来听她讲座的人很多,这使她感到很欣慰。The lecture was intended for the group as a whole. 这场讲座针对的是全体听众。The lecture was pretty deadly.这个讲座很沉闷。He began his lecture by talking down the initiatives of a rival company.他在讲座一开始就贬低竞争对手的计划。It was sheer hell having to sit through hours of boring lectures!一连坐几个小时听无聊的讲座,简直就是人间地狱!Professor Williams will be giving a series of lectures on environmental pollution.威廉斯教授将就环境污染的问题作一系列的讲座We had to sit through a numbing lecture.我们不得不听完一个非常乏味的讲座During a long lecture my attention will sometimes waver. 讲座时间一长,我有时候会走神。The speaker stayed to mingle with the audience after the lecture.演讲者在讲座之后留下来与听众交流。Her lectures were generally rather sparsely attended.她的讲座一般很少有人去听。They just sat there wittering about what lectures they had tomorrow.他们就坐在那儿没完没了地聊明天要听哪些讲座After his lecture the visiting professor invited questions.访问教授作完讲座就请大家提问题。Some of our lectures were pretty deadly!我们有些讲座枯燥极了!At the end of the lecture, I was ready with questions.讲座结束的时候,我有一些问题要问。In today's lecture, we will be exploring the world economic situation.在今天的讲座上,我们要探讨世界经济形势。The lectures were very disorganized.这些讲座极其杂乱无章。




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