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词汇 讲演
例句 Lord Fraser's speech offers much food for thought.弗雷泽勋爵的讲演发人深省。Her speech was full of boring tags.她的讲演充斥着令人腻烦的陈腐警句。I heard the professor's discourse on English lexicography.我听了教授所作的关于英语辞典学的学术讲演The politician carried his hearers along with his speech.政治家的讲演深深吸引着听众。The senator's speech sparkles with wit.这位参议员的讲演妙语连珠。Professor Lee will give us a lecture on poetry.李教授将就诗歌对我们作学术讲演He lectured, adding in a frequent adlib to his text.讲演时常常插入讲稿上没有的话。The audience faced the speaker.听众面对讲演人。I had a case of the jitters during my first two speeches.我在最初两次讲演时感到非常紧张。I didn't follow the speech exactly, but I caught the main drift of what was being said.我没有完全听懂讲演,但领会了其主旨。His speech was admirably reasoned.他的讲演极有逻辑性。Who is giving the speech/lecture/concert?谁要讲演/作报告/举行音乐会?He spent most of his speech rebutting criticisms of his foreign policy.讲演的大部分时间都在反驳对他外交政策的批评。His speech was leavened by a few witty stories.他的讲演因为几个妙趣横生的故事而变得活跃起来。I need not traverse that ground in my present lecture.在这次讲演中我就不必详细讨论那方面的问题了。He was an interesting speaker, if not always politically correct in his views.即使他的观点在政治上并不总是正确,但他的讲演都挺有意思的。It's a common problem, the one I'm asked about most when I'm on the lecture circuit.这问题很常见,我在巡回讲演时被问得最多的就是这个。The new prime minister admitted that her maiden speech had been too long.新首相承认她的首次讲演太冗长了。She's an active member of the Women's Institute and is always organizing talks for her local group.她是妇女协会的积极分子,常常在她所在的地区组织讲演The whole city thronged to hear him.全城的人都蜂拥去听他讲演It was quite a moving speech - it almost brought a lump to my throat.那个讲演很动人——几乎让我哽咽了。The lecture was familiar ground to him.讲演涉及内容他都熟悉。The clichés in the lecture palled on his mind.讲演中的陈词滥调使他感到厌烦。He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy.他就太阳能的利用作了一场讲演Unscripted speeches are usually livelier than scripted speeches.不用讲稿的讲演常比照本宣科的讲演更为生动。It was a boring lecture. It was all stuff I'd heard before.这个讲演令人厌烦。全是我听过的老生常谈。His speeches always draw a big/large crowd. 他的讲演总会吸引一大群听众。The opposition party demanded equal time to rebut the President's speech.反对党要求有相等时间来反驳总统的讲演The conference greeted the speech with rapturous applause.与会人员对该讲演报以热烈的掌声。His speech failed in persuasiveness.他的讲演缺乏说服力。He adverted to a topic mentioned earlier by another speaker.他提及先前另一位讲演人提到过的论题。In a speech to the Conservatives he tried to pour oil on troubled waters.在对保守党人所作的一次讲演中,他试图调停争端。His speech was a great piece of political theatre.他的讲演是一出杰出的政治剧。The speaker went off on a tangent.那个讲演的人突然离题扯开去了。There was nothing new in his banal lecture.他的讲演平庸之极,没有一点新东西。We had to listen to another one of his homilies about the value of public service.我们还不得不听了他另一场关于公共服务价值的讲演He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech.讲演时不断看他的笔记本。Professor Kern gave a talk on American drama.克恩教授作了一次有关美国戏剧的讲演The lecture was instructive and interesting.那次讲演既有益又有趣。In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada.他在讲演中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。




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