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Be a sport, and lend me a hand.讲点交情,帮我一把吧。You could at least try to behave decently towards the people you have to work with.你对待一起共事的人起码要讲点礼貌。If you tell her anything about your personal life she'll broadcast it to everyone in the office.你要是跟她讲点你的私生活,她会在办公室里把它散布得尽人皆知。Please be more reasonable. There is no way I'll be able to finish all this work in so little time.请讲点道理,我不可能在这么短的时间里完成所有这些工作。He's been known to use some colorful language when he starts talking about politics.大家都知道他谈起政治总要讲点粗话。Be reasonable, Paul - I'm only trying to help.讲点道理,保罗,我只是想帮忙而已。 |