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I can speak French, or at least a reasonable facsimile of French. 我会讲法语,或者说,至少法语还过得去。Duval could switch easily from French to English.杜瓦尔能够流利自如地从讲法语转换到讲英语。Alison speaks broken French.艾莉森讲法语结结巴巴。He spoke neither English nor French.他既不会讲英语,也不会讲法语。French used to be widely spoken in Cambodia.在柬埔寨,过去人们普遍讲法语。He married a French Canadian.他娶了一位讲法语的加拿大人。The villagers spoke French.村民们讲法语。She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。I went to a school where we had to speak French all the time, but outside school hours I reverted to English.我上一所必须一直讲法语的学校,但放学后我又说起了英语。 |